Draconis Blackthorne's Shadowmantium

The moldy babble book of lies

Take that which tempts, whenever you can!

The Ten Excrements
A Satanic Analysis of The "Ten Commandments"
By Draconis Blackthorne

This ancient moral code is not only outdated, but is a travesty & burdon upon the human spirit. It waters down the quality of living, & stifles the sense of adventure that treading this black earth offers. Those that ignore these has~been moralisms can live a life of responsible indulgence, free from guilt & repression, providing a set of intelligent ethics are adhered to.

Satanists, along with other individuals who enjoy a hedonistic lifestyle, are generally healthy persons fulfilling their fantasies, preserving their birthright of carnal pleasure, & an obligation to themselves to remove obstacles from one's path, human or otherwise. Only by these honest & common sense actions, reactions, & emotions, can one progress significantly. One way or another, every living creature preys upon eachother. The fact is, those that prey the most, those that make the most effective predators, excel far in their chosen occupational fields, or, hunting grounds.

Here is an analysis of the archaic rules & regulations of the fantasy called "jehovah", mumbo-jumboed up by Moses the wretch. Added, are rational criticisms, corrections, & level-headed advice that shall lead to undefiled wisdom, through your exploration of this great wide world We possess.

Life is so rich, so filled with enticing temptations & alluring delights. It is only natural to take every opportunity to savor the sweet pleasures that awaken, & grant ecstacy to the senses. Indeed, from infancy, we touch, taste, smell, listen, & watch with amusement, & marvel at the wonders of life. And there are so many! And just when you think you have tried everything, something else comes along that proves interesting enough to explore. To stifle oneself from experiencing something is so profoundly & personally wrong, unless of course, it does not flow with your desires. Otherwise, do not let the soul-devourer called guilt consume your fierce spirit. For it is this very parasite that shall seek to drain you of your energy, & bind you down for the amusement of some mythological tyrant, who wishes to see all of mankind play by its rules. It is the prime weapon of the blindlight against us.

To cripple the foe, remove it completely from your conciousness, & watch the gates of suffocating & garish heaven crumble, as guilt is also a cosmic pillar to the nazarene ideal, a metaphor representing the foundation of said "heaven", & as representing blindlight religions.

The simpleton sheep are spun into confusion, when they see the shackles of fear & guilt fall from your mind. Instead, dwell on the highest plain, above & beyond them. They shall be left behind, without a weakness in you for them to hook on to. Then indeed, they shall be out of their league. When the fools seek to convert you, remember Caligula, & let your words be the very lions that consume them.

Here now, the third eye is opened, & casts the blacklight forth, exposing the whitened sepulchres of thought. The tablets Moses once held aloft, have become as tombstones, & the human spirit is threatened to be buried. Fight for your sanity! For your earthly survival & happiness! Dive headlong into satisfaction! Let the intoxicating waves of lust & Power surround you, & harnass the gifts they bestow, thereby splitting the ocean of limitations asunder! Then willfully march forth in the glory of your own divinity!

Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultary?

Unless it is understood that it is a polygamous / polyamorous relationship, & /or for experimental purposes, to spice up a souring union, thereby preserving love, & perhaps even for therapeutic surrogate purposes.

It has been My experience that humans are basically divided into three categories regarding relationships, or lack of same:

I. Polyamorous {multiple partners} / Polygamous {multiple spouses}.
I find that most people fall into this category. About a good 80~90%. There are many benefits to such a union, as in everyone receives attention by one or the other, & the rent can be divided up between them coloquially. If there be children in the family, there will never be a complaint about being a "latch~key" child.
Most of the world is configured in this manner, particularly Middle-Eastern countries, including the cultural harems.

II. Monoamorous {single partners} / Monogamous {single spouse}.
The typical case in western cultures. Obviously, because of xian influence. Even through the majority of humanimals are polyamorous, evident with all of the redundant "cheating" & divorcing symptoms, xian oppression effects those who may not even be religious whatsoever, although unfortunately, so pervasive has the idea become, that it is considered the norm. Intense self-evaluation must be exercised, as well as experimentation utilized, so as to determine one's true nature.

III. Asexual {non~sexual}.
There are just some people who are naturally asexual, not desiring or caring about sex whatsoever ~ but this does not mean to imply they do not need affection. The humanimal requires affection now & then ~ it seems to fulfill an inherant need, lest we forget what happens to most other species when they are isolated ~ they literally go insane. In most cases, socialization seems to fulfill a need for competition, for self-aggrandizement, by the approval of others. Not all people are like this, however. There is a great difference between approval from persons that matter versus approval from a mass of inferiors. Quality rather than quantity.
However, to force oneself into asexuality for some cause or "vow" is unnatural, therefore, unhealthy. There is no nobility in denying oneself the pleasures of the flesh. It is only misdirected masochistism.

Thou Shalt Not Commit Fornication?

Don't have any kind of sex at all before marriage! Not even masturbation! This absurdity would have you walk around in monk-like zombification, while hormones race throughout your body! While the satanimalistic urge to indulge the "wicked" desires engorges the genitalia. The fact is, this IS a fornication nation, as is the whole world.

Logically, if the appropriate means to raise a child are not available as of yet, auto-eroticism is the most viable alternative, besides whores, that is, if you want to take that risk. In the not~too distant future, when prostitution becomes legalized, this will greatly contribute to cut down on the population explosion, plus, minimize the amounts of accursed, irresponsible idiots who would spread STD's, since the clients & employees will be tested on a regular basis.

I forsee bio~technology improving in the sexual field, where a test may be taken immediately before coitus, to determine whether or not either of the partners is diseased. When AIDS is cured, an instant inauculation will be administered, a-la "Bones" of Star Trek's injection device.

Thou Shalt Not Bear False Witness?

Don't lie at all for ANY reason! How do xians explain those evangelical swindlers? The likes of Jim Bakker, & Oral Roberts? Both of whom are god-damned hypocrites, as they HAVE stolen, by lying. These, & their kind, are just hucksters looking for a fast buck. They are deceitful, smug, cowering, & sobbing little men, taking advantage of their prideless, blinded, brainwashed, & tithing congregation, while they themselves enjoy tax-exempt status!

Was not Moses lying when he walked up that mountain, allegedly communed with "god", while he suffered from solar~induced neuro~chemical hallucinations? He certainly could have fashioned those tablets by his own hand, using rocks & stones. Why did he not allow anyone to witness the alleged "manifestation" with him? Because HE wanted to be the only one who took all the credit for forging a new civilization, in handing out the mandates, in being the first "king of the jews". He wanted to go down in history somewhere, since his own Egyptian father chastised him justifiably, & took his name from the papyrus scrolls.

Despiration, & the desire for recognition can become so great sometimes, that people WILL, & most often DO, LIE to get attention! It is human nature. But most people will make themselves BELIEVE their own lies, & thereby cause others to believe in them also, because of their false sincerity.

The key is in self~honestly using trickery unto positive ends. The Art of Deception. To gain one's selfish desires, while being truthful to oneself in the awareness of that lie! Instead of believing the whole fantasy~hogwash created by some self~deluded idiot. Such is the case with "goodguy badges" {LaVeyan term}; i.e., attributing recognition to figments of the imagination, rather than personal exhaultation of the EGO. It is this factor of self-realization that gives the Satanist the right to deceive the "lambs of god", & all the other mutton of the mass populace. Whereas evangelists, & all their hypocritical scum brethren, should be bled dry!

What about a perverted priest's superiors, who lie for him, & transport him to another perish, after having abused his students &/or perishoners against their will? Most of the time, to re~enact his sin? Or the crotch~xian who skulks about, & denies to others about lusting for some fresh, young female?

What kind of foolish nerve does it take for a jew or a xian to preach of following the Ten Excrements! When they themselves cannot! And never hope to! It truly is a tangled, twisted web that is weaved, when first a blindlighter seeks to deceive! By this time, they must be wrapped-up mummies! In a cocoon of suffocating "living" death!

Thou Shalt Not Covet Thy Neighbor's Goods?

Do not be jealous of someone else's possessions. Nix on the inspiration on gaining simular possessions for yourself! In other words, deny yourself the pleasure of sublime materialistic attainment.

Don't steal? Even if something could be put to better use elsewhere? What about, for example, stealing, to say, feed the hungry? Or ill~gotten taxes from a corrupt government, a~la Robin Hood? How does blindlight lore explain this one?

What about the illegal interlopers pouring in from the cracks of the border? They work for lower pay, to their unscrupulous employer's contentment, thus stealing jobs away from citizens? Most of these sub-humans were raised Catholic, but that does not seem to faze them, as they spend most of their illegally~gotten peasant rations on alcohol & narcotics, & pointlessly, & disrespectfully, catcall at anything in a skirt! As any girl will tell you, given the chance, that it obviously NOT the way to impress her!

What about those "humanitarian" infomercials that pull out every trick in the bag to manipulate the emotions of the gullible, to send their money away to some cesspool of the world? They become hypnotized as they watch little faces crying in mudpits, amidst carefully doctored, compassion~inducing music. Suffering children is a sad thing to see, but it behooves the citizens in one's own country to care for their own. Is this not stealing?

By the way, I Am sure those native children would much rather have actual FOOD in their bellies, than dolls! Yes, I have actually seen erstwhile humanitarian xoids actually giving out dolls {for girls}, & little trucks {for boys}. How presumptuous, to give them somethng YOU would want, instead of what they truly need, just to fulfill some personal romantic notion, & make themselves the object of attention! This just adds insult to injury.

What about those tacky, gawdy "Praise-a-thons" the white suit-clad hypochrists, & their poodle~parrot~looking females put on, about twice a month? And the glassy~eyed, nodding, mindlessly smiling drones in the studio & television audiences, practically tossing their wallets & purses onto the stage? To see the way they look & dress, it is obvious to see they do not care too much to spend their money on taking care of themselves. They are proffessional beggars. Is this not stealing?

All they care about is that they do not break any legal laws. The Ten Excrements are still legal law in some Middle~Eastern lands, but thankfully, are not in YOUR country! For they would get away with a lot more than they already have, while leaving the people completely impoverished. Where the only choice, in order to achieve any kind of success in life, would be to go through the clergy, & the institutions of the church.

Blindlighters console themselves, & provide a convenient, "justified" exit, when they place accomplishments in the hands of the great casper in the sky, then, they can't be guilty of pride! Or envy! Or jealousy! What a joy it is for them to be so subhuman!

Satanists, & other non-conformist, non-sheep individualists, in childhood & at times even into adulthood, usually suffer the greatest of woes at the hands of the rotten righteous. By preachers, priests, councelors, teachers, parents, & erzatz "peers", who have attempted to fit the Satanist into a mold that is completely incompatible. When the natural drive towards rebellion is exhibited, they are haughtily punished & indignated. But ultimately, we come out stronger & wiser, slowly but surely learning to manipulate the idiots' brains, telling them only what they want to hear, while we merge ever closer to the Satanimal within Us.

To NOT look upon someone who has something you really fancy, that you would have craved, if you saw it in a store anyway, is just plain unrealistic. It is NOT some sort of "Self-discipline" as has been erroniously stated, it IS just plain UNREAL. With all the repression the blindlight fosters, no wonder the world is in the condition it is!

Thou Shalt Not Covet Thy Neighbor's Wife?

Don't even LOOK at someone else with desire!? What toll would this take on a relationship, if they were not even allowed to fantasize? For indeed, it has been written, in the moldey babble, that to even THINK of another in lust is a sin! What a paper cell! The mold of frustrated thought germinates on the brains & genitals of the uncreative. Namely, those who merely have common, boring sex, & just lay there, like so~called "carpenter's dreams" ~~~~~ the dreams of the nazarene, that is {i.e., "flat as a board, & mentally & emotionally nailed to the cross"}. After a while, for most married couples, the act of sex has become a chore, just something to get over with, rather than be revelled in. Pitifully typical. Instread of probing the sensuous regions with caressing tongues, lips, fingers, & genitalia, along with incense, candlelight, music, perhaps a poem, body oils, smooth textures, they have made it instead, a mechanical act, just something that has to be done if they want to have a baby.

All the fun is done during the lovemaking, not the birthing!

So you cannot just look over at an attractive person, & think, "Wow! I would sure LOVE to **** that!" In that case, most of us are the most damnable sinners of all! I know I am! And it doesn't just stop at thinking about it, either! Perhaps such a ridiculous notion was applicable at one time, out there in the desert, roaming around aimlesly, where fatigue, starvation, hallucinations, & disease were the norm, where it would be unthinkable to lust after someone's spouse, when they look worse than you do! Or, the only thing they saw when they looked at eachother, because of famishment, was a side of beef!

Actually, to look upon anothers' spouse in admiration of their beauty, is a flattery to them both. A look is just a look, but the bond that keeps them together is what truly matters. And who knows, if the couple are feeling adventurous, they may choose to bless the admiring person with a touch of mutual indulgence!

Times have changed, & the rules are all different now, thank Satan! Decadence is the rule of the day! Do what thou wilt, so long as it harms no-one who does not deserve it, or unless they enjoy it!

Thou Shalt Not Take The Name Of The Lord Your God In Vain?

God-damn it! That kills My favorate past-time!

In a sense, Satanists are not guilty of this particular "sin" at all. Since this was originally written for the jews, there's no problem. Because "yahweh", or, "jehovah" is not OUR god! We are! So in essence, We can blaspheme & critique their god to no end, & remain exempt from any kind of "guilt".

The commonoids commit this all the time, without any thought as to the theological consequence thereof. Then it is reasoned, when & if even considered, that, well, "...we humans are not perfect. We are sinners, & fall short of the glory of God..." That's the blanket justification they attempt to "rationalize" with. They apply that to everything when they screw up, then blame "the devil", the government, the neighbors, the boss, THEY........

Gods & Godesses are created & chosen by personal selection, & who, in their right, or left mind, be they serious about their faith, that is, ever commit this blasphemy anyway? Only self-sabotaging, religious kamikazees are truly the damned, as they are plagued by self-conjured parasitic forces. They know something is "wrong", but commit it anyway.

In the "Devil-worship" stage, or, the exclusively anti~xian phase, it may be important for many Satanists to commit this deed, in order to flush all ingrained influences away, employing The Black Mass {a purging of engrained blindlight dogma}, in order to make a successful transition into personal evolution.

Remember To Keep The Sabbath Holy.

On this I agree. Walpurgisnacht, Hallowe'en, Birthdays, ritual fulfillment celebrations. "Remember to keep the Black Sabbath sacred" is more like it!
In some instances, it may be curtious to assent to a relative's request of attending a blindlight holiday, & of course, receiving a gift is always a happy occasion.

Thou Shalt Not Worship Any Graven Image?

What about the crucifix? What about Catholics with their statues & rosaries? In every Catholic mass, congregations grasp their rosaries, kneel & genuflect before a rather sinfully prideful, ornate & artful altar, casting up their whimpering murmurs through the psychic tool of a divine effigy.

Rosaries, by the way, are the transformed & holy-fied remnants of The Witch's Chord. They are both still used in spellcasting, to achieve wishes. While true Witches honestly use these talismans to receive selfish desires, Catholics are self~deceitful, as they chant for something to come true, but instead, hypocritically call it "prayer".

Since Catholicism is neo~pagan~xianity, it is not suprising that they mimick many of the practices of the Ancients. There are the rituals, the altar, the vestments, the chalice, the aspergellum, the archaic language & music, the incense, etcetera, all replicated from the Pagans.

There is absolutely NOTHING wrong with using images, talismans, & symbols to aid in accomplishing a more perfected ritual working. xians may seek to handicap themselves, even though they use the graven image of the cross, but Satanists naturally employ whatever is stimulating to the mind & spirit.

Honor Thy Father & Thy Mother?

Automatic exhaultation of those who are irresponsible, & not worthy of the honorable title of "parent?" NEVER! Any girl can get pregnant, it certainly is no accomplishment. Not all are responsible enough to effectively raise a child, & most times, the "father" is nowhere to be found. The issue lies with responsibility. Whomever has the resources, & love in their heart to raise & teach the child, is the parent.

Those who seek to protect the forsaken rights of an inferior sperm donor, or a sub-human incubator, are just blowing hot air, & empty words, that will finally do more harm than not. The truth is, the child would be better off with those who offer stability & guidance, rather than poverty & probable abuse. Those dispicable "protectors" {money-grubbing lawyers & social-workers}, have become the abusers.

It is during the formative years of development, when personalites are being shaped, that a child will develop a bond with someone who truly cares for them ~~~~~ emotionally as well as materialistically. Just ask the child. More often than not, he or she will select their own parent, that will most probably be the best for themselves. Childrens' intelligence & perceptions are grossly underrated. They know when they are receiving the needed feedback required for them. If not, then enforce the proper procedures. But then, don't complain.

Thou Shalt Not Kill?

Not even to save a loved one? I think not! What does this "commandment" say about nobility? Chivalry? What about war? What about the blaring hypocrisy of the Crusades? The Inquisition? Salem? "...hail Mary, full of disgrace..."

If some obviously suicidal, obnoxious, misdirected masochistic bastard ever dares to attack My person, or any of My loved ones, I~WOULD~KILL~IT! And not think twice about it, either. And if they were unfortunate enough to somehow survive, I would proceed to torture them on all levels of being. If they are unlucky enough that I may be present in the immediate area, & depending upon what their offense was, I would either stalk them down, &/or fill their waking & sleeping hours with nightmares, torment, & dread. If it's possible, I would even prosecute them legally. Whatever the case, I would take cruel, sadistic indulgence in making My victim's life a living H E L L. By the time I am done with them, they would wish they had rather been subjected to the torments of a literal eternal inferno, than all the slow, contemplative horror I would unleash upon them...

In fact, if I had My own way, & there is a high chance I will, I would enforce a secondary holocaust. But this time, to exterminate all of the dregs in the world. All those I could dispensate mercy upon, like an Angel of Death, by taking them from their miserable existances ~~~~~ permanently! All those non-contributing consumers using up the planet's resources ~~~~~ the earth would be a far better place without them all. Life would be far more comfortable, & the psychic currents far less cluttered with their trivialities. The pollution problem could be rapidly abated.

The disgusting hypocrisy of The Crusades, with their bloody xian swords, has got to be the most repulsive embarrassments in history the church has ever has upon its shoulders. Along with the Inquisition, these two are often conveniently forgotten bloodbaths, & are the epitome of blindlight tyranny. What is even more amazing, is that such things persist to this very day. In the Middle~East, between Jews & Moslems. In Ireland & Scotland, between Protestants & Catholics. Apparently, they've gone beyond merely praying FOR eachother, to PREYING ON eachother! Which is completely fine by Me, I rather enjoy hearing & viewing reports of their blindlight massacres, & only wish there could be more.........

The previous examples are further examples to the fact that the "ten commandments" are obsolete, & should have died with Moses.

In the end, the problem of xianity, Moslem, Catholicism, Hinduism, Buddhism, & all the rest of it, whatever glare of blindlight, will eventually take care of itself. One way or another, whether it be repressing themselves, thus causing perverse, twisted, despirate acts of self~destructive frustration, even ulcers, or physical violence, all inferior belief~systems eventually kill themselves off. We Satanists are speeding up the process.

Thank Satan for the impending Daemonocracy, Lex Talionis, a Meritocracy, where the true masters shall rise to the top, & the willing slaves shall serve under them. All according to the natural laws of selection. Such has always been, at different levels, but we are about to reach a time when this is more obviously prevalent. When the daemons shall reside in glorious abodes, their willing slaves srving them in their personal palaces, & the mediocre, the peasants, shall either serve, or suffer for ther ignorance & stubborness. These shall be the beasts of burdon, down where they rightfully belong.

So there it is coughed up from the bowels of Hades for you, some undefiled wisdom to consider, as well as ammunition against the accursed, hypocritical, blindlight meatheads you may encounter. GIVE 'EM HELL! Then leave them there. Watch as their eyes well up, & realize, to their horror, they have been abandoned by their "loving, caring, merciful 'god'". As they watch you traverse unto ever evolving higher forms of existance.........In the meantime, let the games begin!


In Satan's Name,
Draconis Blackthorne.

{c}Copyright Draconis Blackthorne XXXIII Anno Satanas / 1998 {666} c.e. All Rights Reserved.

Declaration of Doom

Next Blasphemy: III. Declaration of Doom.....

Evil they name us, evil we are...why not take advantage of it and LIVE!

Return To Table of Entrails.....

Read "Preying Vs. Praying In School" on 'Messages To The Abyss'!

Messages To The Abyss......

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