(Picture by Daniel Bensen)
    Along the northwest coast of North America, between the Pacific Ocean and the Rocky Mountains, a narrow band of temperate rainforest extends north to south.  This forest, cold in the winter, but with an annual rainfall equal to that of the Amazon, supports many animals and plants.

    One of the most common herbivores of this place is the northwestern (or blue-headed) liandaolong (Seculasaurus sylvis).  Although these two-meter herbivores are outwardly similar to the tirgs of the mountains, they are still liandaolong (sub-clade Liandaolongini): lowland creatures.  Blue-head feathers are densely packed and oily, to shield the skin from the chilling damp, while the eyes and nostrils are placed high, to warn the herbivore of approaching predators.

(Text by Daniel Bensen)
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