When Gondwana split apart during the late Mesozoic, it seperated several distinct populations of a group of basal ornithopods called 'antarctornithopods'.  Isolated in South America, Africa, and Australia, respectively, the antarctornithopods quickly began to diverge from each other.  The African species died out soon after the n Australia, similar ornithopods evolved into the bizarre eucalsaurs, but the viriosaurs took a more conservative evolutionary rout.  Viriosaurs fill most of the small herbivore niches, only radiating into larger forms in dense jungles and high mountains.
    The classical viriosaurs are small, bipedal herbivores, and are the dominant herbivores in South America.
(Text by Daniel Bensen)
  • Riparisaur
  • Levantador
  • Cranil



        Unique to South America, these are the most highly derived and unusual of the viriosaurs. With the exception of Dracorhea, the kentropods are small omnivores and insectivores, mostly of thickly forested areas.

        Kentropods are immediately recognizable from other viriosaurs in have 3-fingered hands that bear large curved claws that are also present on the feet.

    (Text by Brian Choo)


  • Spineback kentropod
  • Hookjaw kentropod
  • Dragon-rhea
  • Caribbean winklecracker
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