The pictures on these pages are all taken from other movies, games, or other sources. I just picked ones that could easily be used for a scene in JP4. Some, you may need to make some visuale changes, like forgetting about something in the picture, or blocking out something in the picture, but with your mind. (Like pictures with Alan Grant, since he is not in this, but the rest of the picture would go well with a certin scene.
ABOVE: The Carnotaur  Attacks!
Left: The group finds the hiddin compound. BELOW: A Compy playing in a puddle
ABOVE: A nest of eggs
BELOW: The eye of a predator
ABOVE: They find the truth about the babies.
BELOW: The footprint from the Main Titles.
ABOVE: The Stampede
BELOW LEFT: The Egg Containment units
BELOW RIGHT: Landscape

BELOW: Hebivore Herd
ABOVE: Landing in Costa Rica
BELOW: A highway in Costa Rica
ABOVE: Carnotaurus jaws
BELOW:  Jeep driving at night
ABOVE: Troy at the Jeep in the day
BELOW: Jeep at night again
ABOVE: Richard Levine and Ian Malcolm in a flashback
BELOW: Levine spying through the grass
ABOVE: Malcolm on the phone with Levine
BELOW:  Malcolm after hearing a familier roar
ABOVE: Malcolm climbing down the side of the building.
BELOW LEFT:  A Raptor in the jungle
BELOW RIGHT: Two Raptors prepare to attack
ABOVE: Another Raptor in the jungle
BELOW: A Raptor gets ready to pounce

BELOW: The Rex stalks through the jungle
LEFT: Stegosaurus
RIGHT: Triceretops
LEFT: Three people see the Carnotaur before turning and running
BELOW: levine's trip to Costa Rica
BELOW: Jack Throne's buisness
BELOW: The Pteranodon spots it's meal!
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