TEASER: All we see is a jungle. The camera is zooming And zig-zagging between trees. Suddenly it comes To a stop and looks down. We see a huge footprint. Suddenly we hear a roar and thunder claps, cutting us Into darkness. Jurassic Park IV TV SPOT 1: Malcolm Listen, Dinosaurs are wiped out. They don't exists. Levine: But what if they do? We see jungle from above. We see a small airfield and a house. It's nighttime and the shadow of a raptor is on the Wall. We hear a roar. People running through a jungle, being chased by Raptors. Two Tyrannosaurus Rexes are attack a huge cage in a field of cages. A Pteranodon swoops down. Compys jump on someone. A Raptor jumps out of high grass and screeches Dawn of Extinction: Jurassic Park 4 TV SPOT 2 We see a clearing in a jungle during the day, the sun beating down. V.O. When a land of Awe... We see a house on the edge of a jungle. V.O. Meets with a land of human habitants... We see a small team consisting of two jeeps and a motorcycle driving slowly along a dirt trail in a jungle V.O. The results can only be bad! A Triceratops charges a jeep A Rex chases after a motorcycle A Carnotaur is attack an overturned Jeep in a river Thorne's voice Run! Arby runs through the ruins of a building, a pack of compy's chasing Him. The group of people approach an area in the woods. We see the area: It's filled with bones and carcasses and little Round mounds of eggs. Malcolm What is this place? Levine: It's the Raptor nest We cut to black as we hear a screech. Dawn of Extinction: Jurassic Park 4 THEATRICAL TRAILER: UNIVERSAL PICTURES logo OPEN ON: DARKNESS. FADE TO: A puddle of water lay still in a muddy jungle. We can hear the crickets chirp, as well as other animals. Then, they start to fade away until only the crickets are left chirping. Immediately the crickets stop and the puddle becomes active after a loud thump makes rings in the puddle. CUT TO: INT. LEVINE'S APARTMENT - DAY A NEWS REPORTER is sitting at her desk, a pile of papers in front of her. REPORTER This is the eighth reported 'child napping' in rural locations close to or surrounding the Costa Rican jungles in the last month. CUT TO: INT. RESTAURANT - DAY MALCOLM No offence, Richard, but a story means nothing. The evidence you're withholding could be misleading. LEVINE And wonder if it's not. It's the chance of a life time, Ian. A chance to see real breathing creatures that were always a mystery to us. MALCOLM I've had my share of them. More than I can chew. CUT TO: INT. THORNE'S APARTMENT - DAY THORNE'S apartment is clean, papers neatly stacked on desks, cloths precisely packed in his suit case, not like it fit his description of himself. ARBY What expedition? THORNE Don't know, don't care. Money's big though ARBY I might be a kid, Jack, but I know that doing something without knowing why is very unwise. Wonder if it's dangerous? Mom would have a fit. CUT TO: EXT. CAMP - DAY ARBY Well, when do we get going? THORNE (SMILING) Oh, we're already gone! CUT TO: EXT. JUNGLE - DAY TROY Something just brushed up against my leg. CUT TO: EXT. RIVER - DAY THORNE pushes LAURIE and ARBY out of the way from the opening. The CARNOTAURUS decides to roll the vehicle over with its mouth. After it has overturned, LAURIE, ARBY, and THORNE slip out from one of the windows. The CARNOTAUR didn't notice any of them; it is too busy picking at the pipes and metal underneath the car. CUT TO: EXT. JUNGLE - DAY A PTERNODON tries frantically to fly off but can't gain any altitude. The wings are now in the two ALLOSAURS' jaws. CUT TO: INT. JEEP - DARK As THORNE drives he watches the rear view mirror seeing the ALPHA MALE RAPTOR on the nerf bar crawl up and grab the cage with its mouth. CUT TO: EXT. OUTSIDE BUILDING - NIGHT/RAINY MALCOLM takes a torch from the fire and flings it at a RAPTOR'S face. The animal gets burnt on the side. It screams but can't get by. CUT TO: INT. VENTILATION SYSTEM - DIM MALCOLM looks back seeing the head of a MALE RAPTOR peeking in. The RAPTOR screams. Laurie Oh dear God, hurry, Arby! ARBY sees red beams coming from up head. MALCOLM The object of the game is to go Faster! I'd put that to good use, quickly! DAWN OF EXTINCTION: JURASSIC PARK EXT. JUNGLE - DAY A TYRANNOSAURUS REX bellows out of the jungle towards them. They all look back in terror watching the mighty beast come bounding out from the green foliage and toward them with it's mouth hanging open. ARBY runs right while MALCOLM, THORNE, and LAURIE run left, going around cages. Coming Soon!