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Star Wars Episode 1: Pit Droids
Star Wars Episode 1: Pit Droids Boxshot. Players have to direct the pit droids through eight locations on Tatooine as they wind their way from the Transport Ship through Watto's Shop and Junkyard, the sweltering deserts of Hutt Flats, the mazes of the Mos Espa marketplace, and ultimately to the Podrace Arena. Each time a new location is reached, the player is rewarded with a high-resolution movie showcasing the earnest, but hapless pit droids in all of their hilarious glory.

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Price and Requirements
Developer: Lucas Learning
Publisher: Lucas Learning
Requirements:Pentium-166, 32 MB RAM, 4X CD-ROM, 120 MB free hard drive space, Windows 95; Windows 98
Product Code:DAT60
RRP:$49.95 AU
Our Price:$38 AU

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