Wt 1621 AS 1 Robert WILKINGS 20 Apl 1621 Arch Sarum transcr by D Church from collection at Trowbridge CRO husbandman of North Bradley, written 8 Maro 1620 signed 'Robart WILKINGES' Item: Antony DRUET (younger) 40 shill in 1 year William, Joanna & Alice DRUET (children of Antony) 20 shill Antony DRUET (the elder) 20 shill Sister, Jeanet WILKINGS 20 shill Kinesman, John WILKINES 20 shill exec Peter POULD exex John WILKINES & John MAYSEN ( of North Bradley) yeomen. Inv Robart WILKINGS / WILKINES 20 Apl 1621 by Mathew JARVIS, William REYNOLD, a mark for John SELPHE, a mark for Robart THARKMAN, 'and others' (Drawings of the marks can be supplied on application to David Church) in the hale table 2 coffers bedstead, bedding & coverlets clothes pewter, brass & a bottle, working tools, shoose Robart SILVERTHORNE owes him money. End