On June 2, 1947, a US Air Force surveillance balloon (or was it???) crash-landed near Roswell, New Mexico, unleashing a new era of alien sightings, abductions, and government secrecy. Now, on this hallowed day, believers—perhaps like you—can join together to make your voices heard. The truth is
 out there
Transhumanist and 2016 US presidential candidate, Zoltan Istvan, takes the Fermi paradox to the next level in this short essay that offers a new answer to the perennial question: With so many alien civilizations out there, why haven't we found them, or why haven't they found us? According to Istvan and the basic rules of physics, a little thing called the singularity might have a whole lot to do with it.

In 1899, Nikola Tesla heard from aliens. "I have a deep conviction that highly intelligent beings exist on Mars," Tesla told a reporter. Conspiracy theorists have suggested the scientist received transmissions from a 13,000-year-old alien artifact in orbit around Earth, now known as the Black Knight Satellite. But where is it today?

In a small Colorado town called Hooper, there exists a place called the UFO Watchtower. The site is host to an extreme number of extraterrestrial sightings, and just so happens to sit right on top of the "Bermuda Triangle of the West." Motherboard producer Chris O'Coin visited this strange lookout post to meet the people whose watchful eyes are glued to the skies.