I am Darlene Bumatay. I was born on December 25 in Quezon City. My Parents are Andrie and Noreen Bumatay. My father is a tricycle driver and my mother is a typical housewife. We are all six in siblings. We are five girls and one boy. My childhood days i just an ordinary one yet it was full of joy and good memories. I had many childhood friends, we used to play everytime. I lobed playing badminton when I was a little kid. I enter San Bartolome Elementary school way back 2003 to start my formal schooling , that's the time start encounters mary people. Years passed, then I enter high school in San Bartolome High school.It was totally different compared to elementary days. I must say that high school life is the best. Then I finally reach college. It is the most challenging among and in this stage I know that it is just the beginning of what life really is.

"Friendship is not about people who act true to your face. It's about people who remain true behind your back"