**Darlene's church page**

My church has been an Open and Affirming Church since 1995. The O&A Statement that was approved then only mentioned Gay, Lesbian, and Bi-Sexuals. We went through a process of education about transgendered people which culminated in October 2003 with updating the statement to specifically include transgendered.

I wrote an article for our twice-a-month newsleter about being Transgendered and that I will come to church in the future as my feminine self. In the month that followed, I didn't have too many people speak to me, but they were all very supportive. I did get an email about a woman who I don't know who was looking for more information, but still positive. In early December 2001, I went to a service dressed as Darlene for the first time. Everybody treated me great. I have been to numerous services since then dressed as Darlene.

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This page last updated 12 February 2002
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