TV SHOW: Gumby

EPISODE: Christmas With Gumby

REVIEWED BY: The DarkSider - A Christmas In July 2006 Review
THE PLOT: The show can be broken down into four different stories.  Story one begins with Gumby and Pokey hanging out in the toy section.  They spy Scrooge escaping from the book "A Christmas Carol" and invading a book of Christmas stories.

Scrooge sabotages the toy sacks on Santa's sleigh and replaces the presents with rocks.  Gumby and Pokey decide he has to be stopped.  Gumby lassos scrooge and puts the toy sack over his head.  They go off to tell Santa about this but Santa loads Scrooge up into his sleigh thinking he is a sack of toys.  Santa leaves remarking how heavy the toy sacks are this year.

Story two sees Pokey going into a book of unusual tales.  In this one, Santa becomes ill and can't deliver toys.  Pokey quickly comes up with a plan and calls his friend who is a witch.  The witch, who is friendly, dresses up like Santa and delivers toys.  After she scares a few kids, Pokey suggests that she wears a Santa mask.

Story three is about a poor, dim-witted prince who wanted to get something nice for his love on Christmas.  However, as he admits to his father the King, he doesn't have a lot of money to spend.  The king suggests he get a partridge in a pear tree from the local discount store.

The prince goes there, under Gumby and Pokey's watchful eye, and the old shop owners con him into believing he bought a partridge in a pear tree.  However, he ends up with a pigeon in a plumb tree.  The townsfolk all scoff at him making remarks about how disappointed his love will be.

The prince stumbles upon a magic elf that is getting attacked by a wolf.  The prince saves the elf who agrees to tag along on the trip to his love's palace.  In order to save the prince from making a fool of himself, Pokey tells the elf about the shop owner's shiest.  The elf turns the tree and pigeon into gold thus saving the day for the slow prince.

The last story sees Gumby being told by his parent he could have anything he wants for Christmas.  This is after they note he is dreaming of presents (he changes into the presents while sleeping). 

The rest of the story sees Gumby and Pokey trying to pick out a gift.  They frolic around with a toy horse, a race car and eventually Gumby stumbles upon a run away train.  By the time he gets home the train disappears which makes Gumby sad.  However, by the end of the episode the train reappears whisking Gumby away. 


Story #1
I could never understand the humor in Gumby even as a kid.  I think the acid popping hippies of the 60s and 70s  got it because of all the trippy colors.  The same goes for The Brady Bunch, Partridge Family, etc.  Perfect example, Pokey saying that it takes an author with the last name of Dickens to create a character named Scrooge.  Hardy har f*cking har.  Oh and the Santa in the story is more ghetto looking than the ones at inner city malls. 

Story # 2
Glad to see that we can always turn to witchcraft to make the holidays bright.

Story #3
A foolish prince who can�t afford a gift for his chick.  This is what happens when royalty inter-breeds to the point of having kids with brains softer than Play Dough. 

Story #4

More nonsense that makes no sense in the Gumby world.  Glad to see that Gumby turns into what he is dreaming about.  Perish when he hits puberty and the wet dreams sink in.
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