THE BAND: Dokken

THE VIDEO: Breaking The Chains

REVIEWED BY:   The DarkSider - 12/8/07
The video starts off with the song�s subject which is indeed �chains� in an �X�.  This gives way to George Lynch strumming away on one of his  infamous guitars which gets several POV  shots.  I should point out that Lynch in this video sports a rather too tight pair of red pants with what appears to be suspenders.   He gives the camera a �yeah I�m the guitarist b*tch� look as he plays the high note. 

This switches over to front man Don Dokken who is wearing all black minus a Where�s Waldo red and white striped shirt.  He shuffles through a house with Lynch  trying to avoid swinging lanterns which I�m assuming are getting pushed by an off screen crew member.  Dokken does a plethora of emotional hand pumping accompanied with standard serious looks.  They are quickly joined by the bassist  who pounds his axe.  I�m assuming that he came out of  the bathroom in the house or something. Special wardrobe note, his strap is indeed a chain.
Cut away to the drummer donning a sleeveless vest which is close to matching Lynch�s guitar.  He is joined on his platform by  Lynch and the bassist. Don Dokken is on the stage below the platform and is quickly joined by the guys via a simultaneous METAL jump.  They play for the chorus and  have an odd gold light shine upon them.  Symbolic of what I have no clue.  Anyhow, this cuts to Lynch alone again except this time his strings are indeed chains.  I�m not sure exactly if those are capable of actual sound but I�m not a guitar expert. 

Verse two, Don Dokken talks of a letter he got from his girl.  He reads from the pages  as he sings.  Cue a rather valley girl looking actress who repeats Don Dokken�s words �I love you� and �I�ll come back�.  She makes a rather sad face when she finds out he doesn�t want her back.  Cut back to the guys who rock through the chorus and once again the mysterious gold light invades the studio.
Cut to the band who are chained up in a dungeon like setting.  They wiggle as if they really need to get to their instruments.  Lynch is able to, well, break the chains and hit the guitar solo on cue.  He walks over to his fellow band mates who get let loose of their chains.  Don Dokken kind of does the �guitar envy� hand position and headbangs.  The bassist does his thing but the drummer, with no apparent drum kit near by, simply bangs his sticks together. 

Next scene sees Don Dokken lying on a bed in all white.  He looks to his right to discover, gasp, his baby has left him.  All that�s left of her is an indented pillow.  The camera pans away to show Don Dokken is all wrapped up in chains in the bed and is disturbingly pants-less.  He is joined by Lynch who is playing the guitar in the bedroom.  Hmmmmm�after a brief up skirt kind of shot of Don Dokken, we find out the rest of the band is in the room with him.  Don Dokken breaks the chains on the bed and looks quite ferocious.

The video starts to wrap up with the band back in the hallway with the swinging lanterns which cuts to the band in the dungeon (the drummer is still drum-less) which cuts to  the band superimposed over the opening shot of the video.  The video wraps up with the superimposed chains exploding.
The Highest Point Of METAL-Tude In The Video
The Lowest Point Of Metal-Tude In The Video
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