CARTOON:  The Mighty Mightor

:  The Bird People

:  The DarkSider 9/19/7
BRIEF PLOT OVERVIEW:  The show begins with Sheera gathering water at a near by water bed.  However, unbeknownst to her, she is being watched by The Bird People who are seeking slaves.  Quickly, they capture her and take her away to their home.

Meanwhile, Tor and Tog talk to Pondo about Sheera�s where abouts and quickly decide something is wrong.  Tor changes into Mightor and takes to the sky to find  Sheera.  Mightor and Tog visit the water bed and quickly decipher that the perpetrators are in fact the Bird People. 

When Mightor and Tog get to the village they quickly realize they aren�t welcome.  As the Bird People prepare Sheera for a lava sacrifice they unleash an assault on Mightor.  Mightor and Tog fight off the Bird People and rescue Sheera.  Mightor, in order to make sure the sacrifices stop, punches off part of a nearby mountain and seals the lava pit.
Tor's  "Why Don't These Gimps Know I'm Mightor" End Quote:  "Don't feel bad Tog, Sheera's right. It was Mightor who saved her."
The "Must I Save Your Dumb Ass Again" Victim Of The Show:  Sheera
CARTOON:  Moby Dick

EPISODE:  The Iceberg Creature

:  The DarkSider 9/19/7
BRIEF PLOT OVERVIEW:  The show starts with Tom and Tub hanging out with Moby on a nice day.  Tom and Tub  enjoy themselves on a surfboard while Moby makes waves by jumping out of the water.  One wave takes the boys to a huge iceberg.  They note that a sea monster is inside of it and that it�s tail is sticking out of the iceberg.

The monster�s tail thrashes violently at the ice and breaks it free.  He immediately starts chomping at the boys which upsets Moby.  After securing the boys at a local sea cave, the battle commences between the two leviathans.  Moby is able to knock the monster out temporarily but quickly realizes the boys are under attack by a giant sea squid.  

Moby calls upon his swordfish friends to hold the monster at bay.  Meanwhile Moby frees the boys from the clutches of the squid.  He pound the squid into the ground and returns to battle the sea monster.  After a bit, Moby is able to force the monster back into the iceberg and he sends it off to cooler temperatures thus saving the boys again.
The "Must I Save Your Dumb Ass Again" Victim Of The Show: Tom & Tub
The Unnatural Shape For A Whale Award
CARTOON:  Dino Boy In The Lost Valley

EPISODE:  The Moss Men

:  The DarkSider  9/19/07
The show begins with Dino Boy and Ugh running from a rampaging T-Rex.  They jump into a ditch and find themselves in an inescapable ditch with water in it.  Out of nowhere, Dino Boy gets taken underwater by a webbed hand.  A bunch of creatures known as The Moss Men take him captive.

Ugh quickly starts on their trail and finds Dino Boy tied up in a cave.  The Moss Men leader is about to sacrifice Dino Boy when Ugh springs into action.   Ugh is able to free Dino Boy and the two make it up a near boy cliff.  Ugh and Dino Boy continuously throw huge rocks down at The Moss Men. 

Eventually Ugh is able to take the last of them out with a well place bolder.   However, this sets off an earthquake which luckily opens the cave.  With an exit, the two escape but are quickly chased by the T-Rex again.  However they escape once again.
The "Must I Save Your Dumb Ass Again"  Victim Of The Show:  Dino Boy
The Moment We'd Like Most To See Ugh In A Pair Of Pants.
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