CARTOON: She-Ra Princess Of Power

For Want Of A Horse

The DarkSider
THE PLOT:  The episode begins with Hordak making a return from a meeting with Horde Prime.  After dumping Mantenna through a trap door for not bowing he mentions to Grizzlor and Shadow Weaver that Horde Prime�s birthday is coming up.  The supreme master is expecting a unique birthday gift from all of his minions.  Hordak is puzzled on what to get and Grizzlor comically suggests a pair of ties for Horde Prime�s two heads.  Hordak returns this idea by dumping Grizzlor through the trap door as well. 

Shadow Weaver however brings forth another idea that pleases Hordak.  She suggests that they kidnap Swiftwind, She-Ra�s horse, and present him to Horde Prime.  Thus a plan is set into motion when  Shadow Caster changes herself into a damsel in distress.

Meanwhile, She-Ra and Bow fly on Swiftwind and notice a damn that has been tampered with which is the work of the Horde.  She-Ra tells Bow to watch Swiftwind while she fixes the dam.  However, Shadow Weaver in her guise distracts Bow while the robots kidnap Swiftwind.  Shadow Weaver reveals herself and after a brief battle with She-ra disappears.
"UGGGHHHHH!  You bitch!  I have the same red dress at home in my closet!"
She-Ra and Bow set out on a mission to retrieve Swiftwind.  In the meantime, Hordak tells the restricted Swiftwind that his fate is a gloom one.  He is to be brought to Horde Prime and placed in a dungeon away from light, the sky and She-Ra forever.  This deeply saddens Switftwind to the point of crying.

She-Ran makes it to the Fright Zone with Bow.  Hordak has his robots set up a tight perimeter defense with freeze guns.  Bow fires in an arrow which is shot down by the Horde robot guards.  She-Ra finds a secret way in through a nearby river.  She comes across Mantenna who once again gets dumped through the trap doors.  He unknowingly gives out directions to Swiftwind.

Swiftwind is set for delivery to Horder Prime but She-Ra arrives to rescue her horse.  Bow in the meantime storms the castle and takes out a few robots.  She-Ra arrives with Swiftwind and after a brief scuffle with Shadow Weaver, successfully fly out of The Fright Zone.
This is what it sounds like...when horses cry...
In a humorous afterthought, Horde Prime is presented with Hordak�s gift which is the tie Grizzlor recommended in the beginning of the episode.  This cause Horde Prime to eject Hordak off his throne and into the trap door.
The Swiss Army Knife Award For Most Original Use Of She-Ra�s Sword
Sword To Net:  Highly Effective When Trying To Catch Mermista For Some Late Night Lovin'
Def Etheria Jam (most un-funny line of the show)
�We�re sort of tied up at the moment Shadow Weaver.�
Loo-kee�s No So Secret Hiding Spot
Here's hoping that those odd bushes are rash enducing
The Gospel According To Loo-kee
Loo-Kee Says:  �There�s a very special kind of love between people and animals.�

DarkSider Says:  Indeed...matter of fact Loo-Kee, Bow and He-Man would like to use you in some of that "special love" you refer to.  I hope you like dark smelly areas. 
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