CARTOON: The New Schmoo

TITLE: The Valley Where Time Stood Still

: The DarkSider
THE PLOT: A few cattle herders named Boss and Massie are at work.  Boss warns Massie of a forbidden valley that should be avoided.  Massie ignores this warning and is welcomed by a bunch of flying dinosaurs. 

Meanwhile at the Mighty Mysteries comic shack, the gang is working on a new dinosaur comic.  Billy Joe complains about not having any real dinosaurs to pose for his artwork.  Nita hears a report on the radio of the Texas ranch dinosaurs.  Billy Joe reluctantly goes with the group in search of the elusive Quetzalcoatl, the largest flying dinosaur.  They meet up with Boss and Massie and head out to locate the dinosaur. 

Not wasting any time, the flying dinosaur attacks the posse.  The herders run after the dinosaur and Boss ropes him.  The dinosaur takes him on a ride through the air.  Schmoo turns into a pillow and catches Boss when he falls.  Mickey suggests the gang stay in the valley while the herders head home.  They run across a T-Rex who knocks rocks down a cliff at them.  Then their car gets a flat from a spear thrown by cavemen riding triceratops.

The gang make it into a cave after being chased by the cavemen.  Nita and Mickey head out to investigate the suspicious cavemen while Billy Joe and Schmoo guard the car.  While gathering firewood, Billy Joe and Schmoo stumble upon the flying dinosaur which is actually an airplane.  Billy Joe and Schmoo jump into the plane to hide from approaching cavemen.  One of the cavemen sends the dinosaur into the air via remote control.  Meanwhile Mickey and Nita run to the car and are able to meet up with Schmoo and Billy who plunge out of the plane. 

The gang discovers something slick on the land and are cornered by the cavemen .  When all seems lost, Boss and his posse lasso the perp who happen to be...(click and scroll over below if you don't mind spoilers)

Mr. Shaw, aka Boss's next door neighbor who was trying to scare people away from oil he discovered.  He used fake dinosaurs, covered horses to look like dinosaurs, and dressed up like a caveman to pull this off. 

The End...
1.) CRAPPY CRIMINAL CLUE LEAVING AWARD: The cavemen really f*ck up in this one;
     A.) They say the old cartoon "WHY YOU..." at Schmoo at one point which tips the gang off they
           aren't real cavemen.
     B.)  They are spotted roasting wieners on a stick.
     C.)  They wear loin clothes with designer logos on them. 

Is this the George Dubya ranch in Texas or something?


CHARACTER THAT GOES UP YOU SIDEWAYS AWARD:  Billy Joe because he whines a bitches the entire time about being in Texas and how its a boring state.  I never knew his home town ,which telling by the way he talks must be filled with Deliverance looking people, was a Las Vegas replica.

MOST UNFUNNY LINE OF THE SHOW: "Us city slickers prefer dinosaurs over saddle sores..."  Billy Joe
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