Bad Movies.Org - One of the first web sites I ever encountered bad movie reviews on.  Great reviews accompanied with sound, sights, and lessons learned.

Wrestlecrap - Remember the days of awful gimmicks in professional wrestling?  This site brings it all back in painful memories.

Wikipedia - Enjoy useless knowledge?  This online encyclopedia is absolutely phenomenal.

Trash Compactor
- An awesome search engine for underground culture and all things unique.

IMDB - Want to know what the guy was who was in that movie last year?  This is the mecca of all movies all the time.  

Gangrene Widescreen - Back in a big way, Rob's site is more bad ass than ever with hilarious video reviews amongst other fun...good to have him back!

Rogue Cinema - A free montly web zine put out by the Rogue Reviewers covering many things horror and sci-fi. 

KO Picure Show - If a fist is hitting a face in a movie, Rob is always in the front row.  A plethora of fight film reviews plus a few other surprises.

Tomb Of Anubis - An impressive staff brings you entertaining reviews of classic and new horror films.

The Bearded Weirdo - He's bearded, blogging and serving up some great reviews of cult movies.

Live Nude Swearing - If your eyes are tired from reading reviews from this or other sites, let these cool folks fill your ears with their podcasts built around their love of cult films.
B-Movie Central - Duane's site specializes in the classics with in depth movie profiles.  A true B-Movie learning expierence awaits you. 

Side Order Of Ninjas - No, Danny's site is not just a clever name.  He specializes in the obscure and the oddest of videos. Totally Ninjalicious! 

Shadow's B-Movie Graveyard
- Tim's site goes all out with wonderful profiles of all types of films and serves up some great humor as well.

The B-Movie Film Vault - Jordy has been at it for years reviewing just about everything.  Whenever the vault creeks open, havoc reigns!

Dante's Inferno - A true veteran of the B-movie game Mike takes on just about everything from action to horror to sci-fi.  

The Monster Shack - Dennis's is a true expert in the realm of classic monsters and the fun they cause.  Excellent reviews of the lesser known.

The Bad Movie Guy
- "The only good movies are bad movies" is a quote to live by.  Brian is a true fan of horror. 

Death By Cinema -   Keeping an eye on lousy Yankee cinema, these UK folk proudly bring the whole bad movie review trend across the seas. 

TarsTarkas - Specializing in a whole bunch of oddities from the forgettable Wild Things sequels to Turkish Batman movies.

Strictly Spatter - A site featuring reviews of several different genres as well as some podcats for your listening pleasure. 

B-Movies And Beyond - Offering up some blog format reviews of some wonderful gory favorites.
We will continue to add to this page.  Feel free to e-mail us your favorite links.
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