The Tower

REVIEWED BY: The DarkSider
BRIEF PLOT OVERVIEW:  The episode begins with Summer daydreaming about her and Slade in love next to the ocean.  In real life, Slade arrives to talk with her a bit. 

Meanwhile back at lifeguard headquarters, the FBI arrive to inform Mitch of a dangerous escape killer on the loose.  They have followed his trail to the beach and ask that the area be evacuated.  Mitch tells his lifeguards to start the evacuation although the killer had already found his way to the beach and killed a tourist.  He is able to sneak into Lt. Stephanie Holden�s truck and take her hostage. 

The killer tells Stephanie to drive and not try anything funny.  She gets on the radio with Mitch who notices Stephanie�s demeanor isn�t normal.  He tells the FBI that he thinks the killer is with her.  The FBI block the truck�s exit and the killer has Stephanie drive to a nearby tower which happens to be Summer�s.  Mitch gets on the radio to tell Summer to get out  but its too late.  The killer takes both lifeguards under hostage in the tower.

This commences a standoff situation in which the killer demands a chopper.  Slade is able to sneak on to the tower but is shot by the killer. Wounded, Slade gets back to safe area and is tended to medically.  Meanwhile, the killer unveils a secret weapon which is a bomb.  He promises to blow the tower with one of the lifeguards in it if he doesn�t get away safe in the chopper. 

Frustrated with the FBI�s inability to protect his lifeguards, Mitch comes up with an idea to sneak up to the tower.  He finds a blue print of underground tunnels  on the beach and sneaks through one  until he reaches the tower.  As the killer escapes with Summer in tow, Mitch jumps him thus disarming him.  It turns out though that Stephanie is in the tower where the bomb is about to blow.  Mitch takes out the killer and with only seconds left rescues his fellow lifeguards as the tower blows up.  The killer is taken under custody and the show ends.
The "Just Go With It" Moment Of The Show
"Next person that says I look like George McFly and the b*tch gets it in the kidney!"
"Oh yes it will work!  Just put Rita Hayworth's poster over the hole and I'll meet you in South America."
"Ok the tower is blown, we can stop running in slow motion now..."
"You WILL read my autobiography!"
"Slade I don't care if you love her, you belong to me and you could have gotten killed..."
"Summer, do you ever get that not so fresh feeling?
HIS HOFFNESS PRESENTS HIS BEST SERIOUS ACTING FACE (words are never needed for this section)
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