
REVIEWED BY: The DarkSider
BRIEF PLOT OVERVIEW: The show begins with a bull running around on the beach.  Mitch is able to lasso the bull and he is approached by an old high school classmate who says the bull is their mascot. She pleads with Mitch to go to their reunion but Mitch isn�t feeling up to it.  This is due to the fact his ex-wife will be going.

Meanwhile, Eddie discovers an abandoned baby underneath his tower.  There is a note attached that says they�ll be back for the baby once certain matters are sorted through.  Eddie takes the baby back to headquarters and finds himself it�s babysitter.

Mitch�s ex-wife Gail shows up to his house to visit their son.  She successfully talks Mitch into going to reunion but he still feels a bit out of place when he gets there.  However after awhile he begins to have fun and relives old memories with his friends.

All the while at the reunion, the high school bully is getting drunk and causing trouble.  He goes over the edge when he assaults Gail.  Mitch accosts him and makes him apologize for his ways.  The bully apologizes but then drinks until he passes out.

This gives open opportunity to the school nerds who bury the bully from the neck down in sand.  However as the tide rolls in, they find they are unable to get him out.  They find Mitch, who is getting intimate with Gail, and he helps them rescue the bully. 

After the reunion, Mitch and Gail get into a compromising situation which is disrupted when Gail moans another man�s name.  It turns out she is engaged and she came out to the reunion more or less to sort out old feelings for Mitch.  Mitch and Gail agree they just aren�t meant to be and move on with life. 

The show wraps up when the baby Eddie was watching is abducted by it�s father.  The lifeguards stop the man and the baby�s mother shows up to take the baby back.
The "Just Go With It" Moment Of The Show
"Eddie, for the last time, I simply don't feel the same way about you now leave me and our baby alone..."
The Anti-Darwin Award For Most Useless Rescue
"Get the shovel, its over there next to Ted Danson's head.  Hey is that Leslie Nielsen talking to him?"gg
" don't how many times I gazed at you in study class dreaming of this perfect moment..."
Most Annoying Music Montage
All pigeons flee before the mighty Hoff...
His Hoffness Presents His Best Serious Acting Face (Note:  words are never needed for this section)
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