TV SHOW: Bigfoot And Wildboy

EPISODE: One Of The Vampire Ones

REVIEWED BY: The DarkSider
THE PLOT: The episode starts off with two prospectors named Larkin and Davis wiring some explosives to a closed cave entrance.  They remark that when they blow it open, they will be the richest guys around. Meanwhile  Bigfoot, Wildboy and Cindy hear their explosion from miles away.  Bigfoot and Wildboy run off to check out whats going on. 

Larkin and Davis find a bunch of gold in the cave but do not notice a strange coffin.  A hand comes out of the coffin and this happens to be a female vampire.  She quickly turns into a bat and sneaks up on the two thus turning them into her zombie servants.

Wild Boy arrives and is immediately confronted by the possessed guys outside the cave.  They chuck a boulder at him and Bigfoot arrives to save the day.  The guys retreat back into the gave under the command of the vampire.  Bigfoot and Wildboy give pursuit into the cave and find the female vampire.  She pretends to be a damsel in distress and tells them the zombie guys went deeper into the cave.  Bigfoot and Wildboy split up to look for them.

Later on, Cindy arrives in the cave and Wild Boy tells her to get to safety. Meanwhile, Bigfoot is tricked by the vampire into a dead end.  The zombie guys push over a bunch of support timbers which caves in on Bigfoot.  The vampire boasts how it will be easy to acquire Wild Boy and Cindy for her coven. 

She turns into bat form and with the help of the zombie guys is able to give Cindy the bite.  Cindy quickly falls under her control while Wild Boy wanders around looking for the knocked out Bigfoot.  Wild Boy ends up stumbling upon the vampire�s coffin which contains a clue that reads �Beware the Vampire.  Loose her and you loose The Demons of Doom�. 

Out of nowhere, zombie Cindy sneaks up on him and Wild Boy heads outside the cave again.  The vampire and her assailants follow and capture him.  Wild Boy gives one last call to Bigfoot which makes him regain consciousness.  Bigfoot runs in to assault the guys but Wild Boy tells him to stop.  Wild Boy forces the vampire back into her coffin with a torch.  All the innocent bystanders turn back into themselves and the episode ends with Bigfoot closing up the cave.
1.) As in any episode, Bigfoot gets his own �wooka-chicka-wooka-chicka� guitar line and a Six Million Dollar Man sound while jumping.  Not exactly sure why it was needed when he was running across the plains to check out an explosion.  Perhaps if there was a combine chasing him it would have been much more effective.  This goes �nicely� with Bigfoot�s one stock jumping scene which spanned the entire run of the show�s run. Also, Bigfoot�s famous rhetoric; my favorite in this episode �Cosaba-Ta, Cona-La�.  Aka, Bigfoot�s insightful commentary on archeology. 

2.) The female vampire�s...a-hem...transformation consisted of;  shot of vampire, shot of bat on a more than visible wire (repeat 38 times in 5 seconds).  A bit on the epileptic seizure side of viewing actually.   I thought it was a bit odd how this episode defied all logic of legends allowing the vampire to go out into the sun.  Yet, she was oddly afraid enough of torch fire to be pushed back into her coffin.  Oh well, at least she was kind enough to leave a clue about destroying her in the coffin.

3.) Apparently we are supposed to believe the vampire�s servants are zombies.  Our only clue, the black quarterback makeup under their eyes which literally gets rubbed off by the end of the episode.

4.) You have to love the wisdom of Bigfoot and Wildboy in the cave.  Its great they aren�t concerned that theres a woman wearing a cape mysteriously hanging out in a cavern.  They brilliantly follow the �lets split up� rule which always backfires. When Bigfoot finds himself cornered in the dead end, he stares at the zombie guys as they push in the supports...and continues to stare...and stares...finally he runs up to escape just as the cave falls in.  Oh and how many times does one have to yell �Bar-Rah-Bah� before a Yeti responds?
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