
Introductory Remarks on the Subject

I want to say a few things about "equality." In my view, this notion of equality is one of the most dangerous concepts to the prosperity and future of this great nation. I hope you will bear with me on this; I know that my views are not mainstream or popular. First off, let me say that I fully believe in "equal opportunity" for all capable men and women, and I believe that women and men are equals and should work as equal partners. This notion, though, this credo we live by, that all men are created equal is a falsehood. Every individual is unique as a result of heredity, environment, etc. This "uniqueness" of the individual is his/her most valuable "possession," and each person must have the freedom to become an individual. In America today, this freedom of self-expression is in great danger.

What the liberals express over and over again is in fact communism. They think that, if everyone is exactly like everyone else, if everyone has the same things as everyone else, then earth will become some sort of utopia where everyone is happy and at peace and just overwhelmingly satisfied. This is nonsense. Such a world would quickly deteriorate into place where every single person is unhappy. Making our citizens equally unhappy in this liberal homogenization project would destroy the flame that is humanity. Look at Russia. Granted, the Communism that characterized the Soviet Union was not pure communism, but it did create the kind of world the liberals want us to live in--everyone was guaranteed a job, for example. What happened? The Soviet Union fell apart (and we all owe a remarkable debt of gratitude to Ronald Reagan for guaranteeing and bringing about the ultimate demise of this flawed, dangerous system of government in that society). The Soviets produced inferior, useless material for decades. When you have to make x number of widgets when only y number of widgets are required, you are making useless, unnecessary materials solely for the purpose of the state; in order to further this utopia of no unemployment, you had to make useless products. And this system provides no stimulus at all for advancement of any kind--personal or technological. There was no spirit of invention over there, no technological progress that could even remotely compete with that of the west. If I am told to make widgets, knowing that this is my job--period--I'm not going to try and design a better widget or try to come up with a better idea or product to take the place of the widget because there is no reason to; there is no reward for hard work, for progressive thinking, for a spirit of entrepreneurship; I would in fact face a lot of trouble from the state if I do anything more than make the useless, outdated widgets I am told to make. Without freedom, without the glorification and unleashing of the individual, there is no progress of any kind. And did all of the Soviet peoples enjoy their utopian lives of equality--of course not. If I have to wait in line for hours just to buy a loaf of bread, it is not a great comfort to me to know that at least all of my friends and neighbors are also having to wait just as long for a basic staple of life.

Let me address an aspect of the trouble in our schools. Children taking guns to school is a horrible thing, and something must be done to counter such criminal behavior. I will have much more to say on this subject at a later time, but let me just say a few words about this brilliant liberal solution to our problem of school violence--require school uniforms. Folks, this school uniform proposal may be the dumbest idea I have ever heard of in my life. Everyone will be dressed the same, so everyone will feel a great sense of belonging; there will be no more jealousy or intolerance. But even though everyone is dressed alike, this doesn't change the fact that Jack is smarter than Jill, that Judy is prettier than Amanda, that Alex is a better athlete than John, etc. What about race? Are the liberals going to propose that we pain each child's skin orange so that there will be no racial conflicts? If a child is being abused by a parent, is that parent going to suddenly stop beating his child just because he comes home in a school uniform? The liberals think we are all sheep; if we let them get away with their insane plans for this country, we may all become sheep. This liberal push for "equality" in the schools is dumbing down our children, and it is in fact partly responsible for the violence in our schools. The government and the liberal media are the problem. Get an image of what the liberals want in our schools: each child dresses identically; this contrived message of equality is beaten into each child's head; each is treated the same, be he an overachiever or an underachiever and in point of fact is discouraged from expressing himself and becoming the person he is meant to be. This is the description of a cult, not of a school.

Many will disagree with me, but I believe that the main purpose of life, the primary objective for procreation itself, is to produce great men. These great men are exceedingly rare. These are the men (and women) who improve life as we know it, though. They are the great thinkers, scientists, politicians, etc. What if Isaac Newton or Thomas Jefferson or William Faulkner had been forced to attend a school like we have in America today and been exposed to twelve years of being told they are no smarter or better than anyone else, forced to dress in identical clothes with their peers, and forced to sit day after day in class being taught the same lesson that the slower kids in class never seem to comprehend? I am intelligent, and I am proud of that, and I will not and cannot deny the fact that I am intelligent. When I look back on my elementary years, I remember being taught the same simple things from grades two through six. Each year was the same, and each year I had classmates who still couldn't divide or spell or do anything else remotely simple. Children are not alike and cannot be taught as if they are alike; our smart children are "punished" by being treated like their peers, especially those problem kids who are unable or unwilling to keep up. Education must be specialized in order for each individual student to develop to the best of his/her potential.

I will have much more to say on the subjects of freedom, individualism, education, and other social topics affecting everyone of us, as well as an argument for the virtues of selfishness. This little essay is just an introduction of sorts to some of my ideas and philosophy, so stay tuned for future ramblings.

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