Bush Won

If there is one good thing about the election brouhaha in Florida, it is this--the American people are finally getting a glimpse of the true character of the Democratic party, something I have easily recognized all along in my life. Al Gore and his henchmen care nothing about this country, they care nothing about democracy, they wipe their asses with our Constitution, they certainly have no respect for our brave military men and women, and they will cheat, lie, and steal with no guilt and no conscience. Make no mistake: George W. Bush won the Florida election. I sat here on election night watching two TV channels and monitoring votes in real time on three news web sites. At no moment, not even for one second, did Al Gore lead in Florida. When the liberal news media projected Gore the winner in Florida, I was stunned because he had been trailing by five to seven percentage points as all of the results were coming in. He gained ground later, but he never led for one second; he never even got within one thousand votes all night long. Gore sings praises to "the people," who are nothing more in his eyes than a mindless proletariat whom he believes follows him blindly in utter awe and admiration. He never even considers the idea of individuals with free will and a mind of their own. What is sad here is that Gore really believes he won Florida--he really believes that people came in and punched someone else's name accidentally when they surely, without doubt, meant to vote for him; he thinks people who voted for no Presidential candidate at all voted for him--sure, they didn't select him on the ballot, but everyone knows that they really wanted him to be President. He cannot fathom the idea that anyone voted against him, and he wants to make the American public believe the same thing. This is audacity, egomania, and rampant disregard for the intelligence of the "sheep" he thinks he has been ordained to lead. The man is an utter, utter fool. Americans of all parties should be deeply offended by his argument that thousands of Floridians meant to vote for him but just happened to somehow punch the wrong hole or punch no hole at all. This is utterly laughable and, as a result, utterly pathetic. Gore wants to count ballots on his side in which no vote was even cast for President, yet his henchmen conspired to throw out thousands of legal military absentee ballots. The Democrats refuse to even open the envelopes of our brave military's ballots. They can read the mind of individual voters in three Democratic counties, yet they refuse to even acknowledge the votes and wishes of America's freedom fighters. William Daley's father must be so proud of his son. Who would have thought than any man could mastermind a conspiracy of vote fraud that would overshadow the job done in 1960 by his father in Illinois? I hope Americans got a chance to see the events now going on in Broward County. Here you will see Gore and the Democrats in their true, anti-American colors. Miami-Dade County is out of the picture; Bush is gaining even more votes so far in Palm Beach County. The Democratic canvass board in Broward County now knows that the job of stealing this election from George W. Bush is in their hands. Now they are not only counting dimpled ballots, they are counting ballots in which no indentations are present for any Presidential candidates--so long as the ballot in question has some votes for Democrats in the other races. This is utterly shameful and shows the desperation now running rampant in the agents of Gore's attempted coup d' etat. First of all, the Presidential selection is separated from the rest of the votes on each ballot; ballots explicitly state that you must vote for a Presidential candidate individually even if you vote a straight party ticket for the rest of the election races. Voting a straight Democratic ticket in no way means you voted for (or meant to vote for) Gore--not if Gore's chad is not even dimpled. Secondly, my own state of North Carolina proves this very point. This is still, by and large, a pretty Democrat-dominated state. Local and state offices are almost perpetually held by Democrats. In contrast to this, North Carolina has voted Republican in every Presidential election since 1980. There are many people here where I live who vote primarily (or even straight) Democratic for all election races except the Presidential race. I could write much more about Al Gore and the Democrats and their attempt at a bloodless coup, trampling over our Constitution in a mad dash to rewrite election law and ignore the obvious will of the voters in Florida. This is truly a constitutional crisis that Gore's deception and outright vote fraud has brought on. We have a Supreme Court in Florida rewriting laws, which it is not in their power to do; we have an executive branch who is explicitly in charge of executing the law (and the election law in Florida is, despite what their Democratic Supreme Court says, is as explicit as it can be in terms of when an election ends) being denied their rights and duties to do just that; additionally, we face a legislative branch of government possibly entering the fray in an attempt to uphold the laws they have written and are charged to defend. Gore says he will not concede if he loses on Sunday. He is now trying to sue the Dade County Democratic canvass board's officials whose asses he was kissing just days ago. His henchmen have engaged in a shockingly personal attack on the Secretary of State of Florida, who is just trying to enforce the laws of her state. All of this is totally pathetic and infuriating to watch. Some of us in this country still care about our laws, our government, our military, and, most of all, personal integrity. Take a good look at Al Gore and his cronies, America--what you see now is the true face of the Democratic Party. They have gone beyond telling you how to vote to telling the country how you "meant to" vote or should have voted. Al Gore will not steal this election. America will not stand for that. Bill Clinton must be the only happy person in America these days because he finally has someone who stands even below him in terms of being an even more amoral, crooked, deceptive, egomaniacal example of the worst in human nature.

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