A Defense of John Ashcroft pt. 2

Let me say that the "line in the sand" that Bush needs to worry about is the one drawn by true conservatives like myself. While I can grudgingly mute my voice in the interest of the party, I cannot allow my voice to be strangled and silenced completely. John Ashcroft is our man, the only real conservative among Bush's nominees, and we must fight to the death for him. And the way I see things, there is almost no way the Senate can fail to confirm Ashcroft's nomination, no matter how strongly some liberals may disagree with his views. He is by all accounts an honorable man, he's "in the club" in D.C., he's a man of integrity (whereas Chavez was not a woman of integrity). If Bush were to cave in and withdraw Ashcroft's name, that would be like the Desert Storm forces withdrawing from the borders of Iraq right before the Gulf War. I have supported George W. Bush throughout the election process(at least, after Forbes bowed out); I like and respect the guy. However, I certainly wish he were more conservative, and I most certainly have a problem with anti-life nominees such as Whitman. Ashcroft is the counterbalance here. Bush can't even begin to work toward unifying "the country" until he unifies his own party. With Ashcroft, that party unification exists; without Ashcroft, there will unfortunately be some major problems within the GOP--that, and not the umpteen liberal groups coming together to attack Ashcroft, is what Bush must worry about. I hope and pray (and fully expect) that Bush will stand by Senator Ashcroft--if that happens, Ashcroft will be our next Attorney General.

These liberals disgust and amaze me to no end, and the vast numbers of people in the country who don't see through liberals' motives and ends never fails to amaze me. It is laughable to say that Ashcroft's nomination shows that Bush is going to pursue an ultraconservative agenda. Some liberals are claiming that Bush ran an ultraconservative race from start to finish? How do they say these things without laughing? Bush is certainly not an ultraconservative. The true conservatives have been muted throughout this race for President. At the Republican convention, there was no pro-life message to be found in the agenda; conservatives like Pat Robertson were not allowed to speak at the convention. Basically, Bush is throwing the conservative side of the GOP a bone. Ashcroft is all we have in this pending administration. Liberals know that, and it certainly makes sense for them to try and take Ashcroft out--an Ashcroft defeat would remove any conservative from a high-ranking position and virtually guarantee no high-ranking conservatives during Bush's first term in office; as if that isn't enough, it would threaten to polarize and weaken the Republican party.

When did independent thinking and ethics and a personal ideology become illegal in this country? Ashcroft is pro-life, religious, a defender of freedom, his own man. The Democrats tell us these are bad qualities in a person. The Democrats want a society of lemmings who will follow their commands without question or careful contemplation. Yet somehow, if a person is anti-life, anti-religious, and a walking puppet for the Democratic elite, that person is a great American--nothing the person thinks can possibly interfere in his doing a superb job. If you support the murder of innocent babies, no one questions your character in Washington. If you want to expunge the Second Amendment from the Constitution, no one questions your abilities or willingness to enforce the laws of the land. Frankly, I am just disgusted and flabbergasted by the extent of liberalism's pernicious influence in American society. We conservatives truly are the only hope this country has for restoring the greatness and morality of these United States. We alone fight endlessly for personal freedom and individualism. We must never stop, never make any concession, and never give up. We must raise our voices above the fray and speak out in support of our ideology and beliefs. As always, forget what the liberals say--the Bush administration is not a conservative one. If John Ashcroft is not our next Attorney General, then there is no hope of any true conservatism in the Bush administration. I am proud to be a conservative, I am proud to love and respect the Constitution and the men who wrote it; I am fervent in my defense of the Second Amendment and every Constitutional freedom that the liberals want to take away from you and me, and most of all I am wholeheartedly opposed to the murder of innocent babies. Abortion truly is the source of many of this country's ills. When a country makes cold-blooded murder--including procedures where a significantly-developed fetus is pulled apart piece by piece from his mother's womb, dropped pell-mell in a bucket beside the operating table, and denied the right of burial every soul should have--a "right" and a "freedom," there is very little hope left for that society.

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