Who is DarkGenius?

There is not a lot to say, really, and, in point of fact, I am unsure as of yet how much I would want to say about myself. For starters, I thought I would just point to some of the things that are attracting my attention and interest at this time.


I love music. It has often been an escape vehicle from life when things are not going very well. My taste is quite eclectic, I imagine. My interests vary a great deal. I tend to go through phases of music genres, but one singer stands above all others--I never tire of listening to Judy Garland. A couple of years after I discovered Judy Garland, I found out that she is, for some reason, very popular with the gay community--I just want to state unequivocally that I am not gay. It was in fact a female who indirectly led me to Judy Garland.

The artists I have been listening to lately are Barry White, Bree Sharp, Britney Speers, and Tori Amos.


I have to admit I don't get much reading done these days--work and laziness, along with a problem concentrating on anything but work when I am away from work, take up all of my time. I used to read voraciously, at least two books a week. A list of my favorite writers would include William Faulkner, Thomas Dixon, Jr., Stephen King, H. P. Lovecraft, and Terry Pratchett.

Computer Games

I spend way too much time playing computer games. It is a valuable source of stress relief, though. Sometimes, the only way I can get my mind off of my job is to focus all of my attention on a game. Some of my favorites are System Shock 2, Diablo, Magic Carpet II, and NHL 2000.

Well, this is a start, anyway. I will try to add a few tidbits to this profile every so often. If anyone wants to ask me a question about myself, feel free to e-mail me.

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