past pagan

January 23, 2000


Noeda lives in my favorite country in the world, Australia. It's a place where Wicca Covens grow rampant, and for a good reason: this is a land that does not put its natural resources below its greed. If it harms biodiversity, it's illegal in Australia. I hope to permanently return there someday, if not for of the abundance of nature, skateparks, and great waves, then because of dark pagans like Noeda! She is not only a good pal to chat with online, but she is well versed in the the green path which ultimately calls us all to our deaths. Take a walk through the old woods and up to the gloomy castle of her website. There, you can not only visit the foyer of this virtuous and fair maiden of the herbal tradition, but enter her Grimoir and she can also take you in as an apprentice of the old culture.






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