past pagan

April 16 , 2000

Linnea has exactly the personality that resides within my head, yet unsuprisingly it is the same one that I never corageously express...

Ok, I do a pretty good job of sticking up for animals much like she does, by taking in too many dang pets as well as by designing websites for non-profit pro-animal-rights organizations, but I'm not nearly as musically talented, openly confident, nor as snidely sarcastic as Linnea seems to be (and how I secretly wish I was)...

Linnea has presented us with some stunning photos here, marked by both her own intriguingly dark persona as well as the "wild-ness" of their environment...

And I hope they have touched you as strangely as they have me, and if they have not created a twirl among your innards, then by all means her website will!





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