past pagan

February 13 , 2000


hazelfaeryThe DPW this week is somebody very special whom I've been saving for all of you. Merry meet hazelfaery, a pre-Raphaelite goddess with a free spirit who is gifted in the arts as well as the craft. She is also one half of the dark electro ethereal faery band Butterfly Messiah, an important part of her life which sets her free unto wherever her travels may lead; for her part in this I admit envying hazelfaery.hazelfaery
I cannot recommed her website highly enough. With it, she demonstrates her concern for not only endangered species and cultures, but also for animal rights (thus chalking her VERY high up in my book!). Upon the subjects of fae and witchcraft, she demonstrates a personal knowledge and acquaintance of each, complete with personal spells and observations, in addition to a few hand-picked links to share with you.
So get on with thee, onto Sidhe... in aeternum, and dream if ye may!
Merry part!!!



Visit hazelfaery's Website:
| Sidhe... in aeternum |

And Her Band's Site:
| Butterfly Messiah |

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