this week's pagan

January 30, 2000


delriumI came across Delrium's site some time ago, when the only image I could find was this black and white one on the left here now. But, based on what I read about her on her website, along with what she revealed to me in the process of making this page, I have been nothing less than impressed! I was to learn only much later through these photos that this east-coast angel was as beautiful in appearance as I found her to be on the inside. We share several coincidences as it is, and also have alot of similarity in subjects ranging from pagan outlook to musical taste. Delrium is not a Llewellyn Publications-taught run-of-the-mill wiccan, she is instead a natural witch of the ancient craft by default, self-taught in her magickal strength. So go to her website, play for a spell in her faerie glade, or enter the Goddess Grove and meditate upon the importance of the goddess in our lives, and see how much Delrium has to offer the world.





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