this week's pagan

October 13, 1999


daniI have chosen Dani as the first DPW for several reasons. First off she was the only person who would write back to me out of the few acceptable sites I found. But more significantly, she is balanced on this tightrope of modern times with a beautifully strange style, without letting go of her spirituality. She is dealing with all of the personal freedom limitations that come with being a minor, and still finds her own peace and success amidst all the hate and greed.

The diary on her website is full of words I only wish I could say when I try to write in mine, and her writing and art are extensively filled with passion. I also enjoyed her links page, particularly those leading to clothing companies' websites... I spent all night clicking on them last week!

I don't know what Dani's future will bring, but I wish I could join her in life in the present, so I too could spend the darkening of the evening in the cemetery by her house, dressed in flowing velvet draped over fishnet, and escape for a little while from those who will never understand us or ever let us be who we are...



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