May 4, 2000



Ok, you all might be sick of me doing this, but here is another beautiful person who I've chosen for reasons of similarity to myself...

According to Amer Pixie's website FAQ, she is constantly questioned as to her sexuality and, strangely enough, her gender... finally we have somebody who shares my tormented little world with me! It seems every time I meet a girl I must "prove" I am not gay - why, because I wear makeup and skirts? come on!

they're all just jealous because we would easily fit into ancient egyptian society!!!

as much as I am of Amber Pixie's beauty...!

Thank you for becoming a DPW dear, and I enviously love your site - your wildly diverse collection of photos, your woeful shrine to TORI, all of your splendidly-you poetry, "the letter I sent to the editor of our local newspaper, trying to educate my close-minded community about what Witches really are" (which all of you should be doing!!! - says the webmaster who never has done such a cool thing), as well as the personally sincere narratives you have written to navigate each part of your site!

You are truly an angel fallen from heav- wait, no... the fragile and mossy dew forests of a lost archipelago... and I wish you all the health of the god and the goddess in your life!

......AMBER PIXIE!!!...................AMBER PIXIE!!!


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