DarkCloud Characters

-�- Main Characters -�-

- Toan - Xiao - Goro - Ruby - Ungaga - Osmond - The Dark Genie - The Spirit King - King Seda - Flag Gilgister -

Toan - The main character of the game! (no duh) When the Dark Genie destroys Norune. Only the Mayor and Toan are left, the Spirit King then comes, and grants Toan power to recreate the world where the Dark Genie destroyed it. He is the holder of the Atlamillia, a magic stone on his left hand. When he touches an Atla (orb containing a piece of the fragmented town nearest the dungeon. Found in dungeons only) it will be sucked into the Atlamillia so when he exits the dungeon he can restore the town/city. Only Toan can capture the Atla. Toan's weapons are swords and daggers. His favourite food is Fluffy Doughnut. Isn't he cute?

Xiao - The second character you meet up with. You meet Xiao as her true cat form on one of the floors of Divine Beast Cave. Then on the floor you must have Xiao to be able to jump across the 'river' she will be trapped inside an Atla bubble. You will then be able to put Xiao in Toan's house. When you complete Toan's house, you should have by then, the Changing Potion. Xiao will be waiting on Toan's bed, you should be able to use the Changing Potion on her. Xiao's ability is to be able to jump over crevasses/river/etc. Xiao's weapons are a variety slingshots. Her favourite food is Fish Candy. Xiao looks and acts super kute! ^-^

Goro - The third character you meet up with. Goro lives in the outskirts of Matataki Village. When you first meet him, be prepared for a Duel! He is pig-headed and takes a bit to make him an ally. Goro's father was a great hunter and legendary among Matataki. He had died when trying to defeat the Great Snake, after you defeat the Snake, you should get an amulet and then bring it to Goro, there will be a movie between Goro and his Father. Goro then gets the idea he should be the best and helps Toan on his quest. His favourite food is Grass Cake. Goro's weapons are axes, hammers... frozen tuna, and other heavy weapons.

Ruby - The fourth character you meet up with (aren't you tired of that sentence now? lol). Ruby, in my opinion, is the strongest character. In my game, she can do up to 500 damage! Once you complete the King's house in the market town of Queens, he will give you a magic lamp, you drop it and POOF! Out comes Ruby the Genie! All of King and his minions seem scared of her, for good reason, Ruby has a high temper and LOVES to protect her master. Her favourite food is Witch Parfait. Ruby's weapons are extremely powerful magic rings.

Ungaga - The fifth character you meet up with. When you meet Ungaga by the Sun and Moon Temple, he is completely depressed because he thinks he failed to protect his village, Muska Racka. Once you find his girlfriend in an Atla, he'll be alright again and will join you on your quest. All the people in his village think he is an excellent warrior. All the girls are in love with him too. Ungaga's special ability is to use his staff/spear to spin and make holy wind to unblock doorways that have been locked with Black Wind. His favourite food is Scorpion Jerky. Ungaga's weapons are fighting staffs and spears. (I need a better picture of him, so I'll be looking!)

Osmond - The sixth and final character you meet that will become an ally. Osmond flies around on a helopack on his back. Osmond, in my opinion, IS THE WEAKEST POSSIBLE ALLY EVER!!! Until you get Hexablaster that is. You find Osmond on one of the floors of the Moon Sea, and he will take you back to Yellow Drops. And he will join you on the quest. He explains he was making the Sun Giant, and gigantic mechanical being. And Osmond needs the Sun Sphere to make it work properly. That's what you win when you defeat the Moon Sea boss. Osmond's special ability is to be able to float where Xiao can jump, and where Xiao can't jump across, because it's too far, Osmond will float over it. His favourite food is Carrot Cookie. Osmond's weapons are guns and lasers. (I don't even have a picture of him... need to find one!)

The Dark Genie - The reason you're on your quest. The Dark Genie is the evillest thing ever! Flag had paid ceremonial dancers to free the Dark Genie from his urn in which the Moon People had entrapped him in 400 years ago. Since he hasn't eaten in 400 years, he eats the poor (stupid) priest who was paid to let him out. Flag convinces him that he is his master and that the Dark Genie should do as he says. Then, he goes out on a massive destroying spree, and the Spirit King saves all the villages by putting pieces of them into Alta into the Dungeons. Dark Genie's intent is not to destroy the world, but to send his will through time to every age... to take over history by sending parts of his essence to each age. The Dark Genie is also the last boss you will face, he is EXTREMELY hard. I still need to beat him, but I heard from other people who have beaten him. And I think he should go on a diet! And brush his teeth! Have you seen his blue tongue? Yick! And when you get to Dark Heaven Castle, you'll find that this isn't his true form at all ;) The Dark genie doesn't even have a true form.

The Spirit King - This little guy is the almost the savior of all the villages the Dark Genie destroyed. He put all the bits and pieces of the towns/villages into Atla and spread into the dungeons for Toan to get. He even wrote a little manual that is in your inventory! He helps Toan and his allies in their quest to defeat the Genie. In dungeons, if you defeated every monster on the floor you're on, he offers teleportation to you, where you can get out of the dungeon without using Escape Powder or paying your way out. And I think he looks so cute and ickle! for an old geezer o.o

King Seda - He came to the future from 400 years ago, using the Forbidden Spell. Seda is the King of The East. He was in the War between the East and the West. He made the foolish mistake of taking the black cloaked man's gift of Witch's Blood. As the Cloaked guy said he would have an automatic win. He had unbelievable Dark Power. In result, creating the Dark Genie. He accepted this after his beloved Sophia was murdered. But at the Dark Heaven Castle, he kills himself so the Dark Genie doesn't take over it. He's REALLY hott too ♥.♥

Flag Gilgister - An evil, cold faced military man. And officer of the East, of the Lagoon Empire Army. He's the one who wanted the Dark Genie and his power. His wish? To destroy all. He paid a priest and ceremonial dancers to awaken the Dark Genie. Once the Dark Genie eats the priest, Flag almost seems scared, then convinces the Dark Genie he is his master. Flag's body was taken over by the Genie.