Title: Life without Logan
By: bizkitprinzess
Rating: R
Spoilers: unknown
Summary: Logan gets killed.Max's thought's over the death of  Logan
Disclaimer: i wish i owned dark angel but i don't

Authors Note:I was in a gloomy mood when i wrote this , it's not very good but it raise's a point that
might come up in the next episode (out), what would happen if Logan was found out
I used to go to the space needle to clear my   mind. It doesn't work that way anymore.It hasn't since
Logan died.I feel guilty about his death , i could have helped prevent it.It's been five years since it
happened, but it's all i think about.One of Eye's Onlys enemies found out Logan was Eyes Only.It
started out like a regular day.I went to work , delivered a few packages and then got paged by
Logan.When i got to his apartment i knew something was wrong , His door was wide open.Yes ,
Logan on ocassion left his door unlocked but never wide open.I found Bling uncouncious in the
kitchen .I checked to see if he was alive , he was so I went to find Logan.I found Logan's wheel chair
siting outside his computer room , Logan was  laying on the floor inside the room. He was bleeding
badly."Max "he said. I knelt down beside  him and cradled him in my arms checking to see what had
happened . He was stabbed in the legs.The knife marks ran so deep . Whoever did this figured he'd
bleed to death slowly and not feel any pain."Max , I love you " I looked him in the eyes , he was telling
me this because he thought he was dying . "I love you to Logan " He smiled like an idiot for a second
then  remembered his predicamint."Max , delete the files on my computer , hand me the phone and
leave " ."I'm not  leaving you Logan ". I look in his eyes , there begging me to do as he says , he
doesn't have the strength to argue.I delete the files and hand him the phone . "I'm not leaving".I say
cradeling him in my arms again. "You are Max if ... "." Logan "."I'm okay...Leave Max the cops will
ask questions if your here  ".His eyes are begging me again , i have to listen to them."I love you Logan"
, and i leave.Logan died in the hospital. I would have given  him another blood transfusion , but the
cops had a twenty four hour gaurd in his room , I wasn't even aloud in his room by myself.A week
later Logan's lawyer caught me at Jam Pony and told me Logan had left me his apartment half of his
money and a key to a saftey deposit box. I stood there stunned for a little while , Normal came over
and told me to get to work , I screamed "Leave me the Fuck alone you Fucking  Shit head . I quit". I
went to Logan's apartment and cried. After a few days  I went to see what was in the safety deposit
box.There was a CD   and a necklace . The CD had a note on it 'To my darling Max '.There was a
video on the CD , to be played on Logan's computer  acording to the back of the note.I went back to
his apartment , my apartment and played it. "Hi  Max  , If your watching this , Me  being eyes only
finaly got me killed" .I started to cry , but kept my composier."The necklace is so you don't forget me ,
I love you , have since the moment i laid eyes on you . Something else , there are computer disks and
CD's hidden through  the apartment with info on them , some have Manticore stuff on them. I love you.
You're my Angel . Bye." And the screen went black. I stomped out of the computer room , grabbed
Bast and chucked it against a wall so hard it shattered. I seemed to cry alot in that first year after
Logans death , it made me feel betterto cry .Cindy and Kendra stoped by regularly to check on me,
they helped alot.Now here I am sitting on the space needle relieving the years in my head again. I had
Bast remade . Time to go home i guess.I'll do the same as every night , walk around Logan's room and
touch everything , trying to feel a conection , failing and crying.For a 'genetically engineered killing
machine ' I guess i'm week , I needed someone else to live happily.

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