Title: Haunted Truths
By:  Lenkid
Rating:  R
Spoilers:  None
Sequel to Thoughtful Gifts- As Max and Logan finally find the time to develop their relationship, a new drug is discovered that is causing the X-5's to become exposed.
Disclaimer: I don�t own these characters, they are the sole property of James Cameron and FOX, and I�m just borrowing them, so don�t sue me. I don�t have any money anyways. ;)

 Chapter 3: Distractions


Logan could feel Max tighten her grip on his hand when she abruptly stopped. �What�s wrong?� Logan looked at Max when she didn�t answer, and could see her staring at one of the tables in a far back corner. He followed her gaze, and his breath caught in his throat when he saw what Max was looking at. There, sitting at the table, trying very hard to blend in with the crowd, was Zack. Beside him sat a blonde haired girl, who looked to be about the same age as Max.

�Zack.� Max breathed the word out so that it was almost inaudible. She was about to take off to get to him, but Logan pulled her back. She looked up at him in annoyance. �What?�

Logan leaned down so that he could whisper in her ear. �Don�t look too eager to see him. You don�t know who�s in here. Any one of these people could be looking for a nice family reunion to alert them to possible X5 activity.�

He�s right. I can�t believe I didn�t think of that, but it�s Zack, and he�s sitting with someone. Is it Jondy? It�d have to be. Max looked up at Logan, and gave him a small smile, silently thanking him for always looking out for her. Especially when she was doing a poor job of looking out for herself. She gave Logan�s hand a small squeeze, and led him to the table, all thoughts of a mid-dinner necking session completely forgotten. She and Logan made it to the table and sat down beside each other, with Max sitting across from Zack, and Logan sitting across the girl. �Zack. What are you doing here?�

Zack looked at Logan, and then turned to Max. �This is as far as we could get without sector passes.�

Max looked to the girl that was sitting beside Zack. The girl gave Max a weak smile and then looked to Zack.

Zack looked at the girl and then to Max. �I know this isn�t exactly under the best circumstances, but Max, this is Jondy.�

Max swore her heart stopped, but she didn�t have time to relish in meeting her long-lost sister. Instead, she gripped Logan�s leg. Hard.

Logan jumped with the sudden pain that was emanating from his leg, and he carefully pried Max�s fingers from his leg, while looking at Zack, who obviously knew what was going on between Logan and Max, and was not impressed.

�Jondy, it�s so good to see you little sister.� Max reached across the table and gripped Jondy�s hand, all the while giving her a smile. �I�d hug you, but we don�t know who�s watching.�

�I understand Max. It�s ok.�

�We can catch up on everything once we get you back to Seattle.� Max let go of Jondy�s hand and once again looked at Zack. �Speaking of Seattle, why aren�t you there? Why are you here?�

Zack�s face hardened into that of his soldier-boy look, and he looked directly into Max�s eyes. A normal person would have been intimidated by his stare. Hell, most of the X5�s were intimidated by it, but not Max. That made Zack even more proud of her than he already was. �After getting Jondy out of San Francisco, there was only so far we could go without sector passes. Normally we would have just jumped the fences, but it seems that a side effect of this truth serum, causes us to loose our abilities for awhile. Our objective was to get to Seattle to find you and break to Canada, but we couldn�t get any further than Portland. I�ve been trying to call you all weekend, but apparently you were here all the time. I would have told you sooner, but I had to get back to Jondy.� Zack stopped talking and looked at Logan before leaning across the table to whisper to Max. �That doesn�t explain why you�re here though. I didn�t know that you and miracle boy here were having problems. You seemed fine the other night.�

Anger bit through Max like a winter chill. I can�t believe he said that. �*Logan* and I are not having problems. In fact, we were doing some recon on these conventions, because we got word that you two were captured, and we wanted to figure out a way to get you back.�

Logan, who had been keeping quiet this whole time, chose this moment to let his thoughts be known. He shot a glare to Zack, then turned to Jondy and held out his hand across the table. �Well, since your siblings seem to feel that introductions are a thing of the past, I�ll do them myself. I�m Logan, a good friend of Max�s.�

Jondy reached across the table to take Logan�s hand. �Jondy. Nice to meet you Logan.�

Logan pulled his hand back, reached under the table with it, and began to idly stroke Max�s inner thigh. He could feel her tense, and then quickly relax under his touch. Normally the action would have caused both of them to ignite in a fit of passion, but now it was meant to simply relax the tension both were feeling at the moment. �Zack, I can call one of my sources to get you a couple of sector passes, but you won�t see them for a few days. Max and I have to leave later on this afternoon, but I�ll see if you can stay in our room until you get the passes. Then once you do, get to Seattle as soon as you can, and we�ll see what we can do about this latest situation.�

Max smiled to herself. Not only was Logan the best guy in the world, but he was smart too. As she was allowing her thoughts to wander, the waiter came to their table.

�Can I take your order?�

Logan looked at Max and then up at the waiter. �Actually, we�ve got to get back to our room to pack, but could you send two clubhouse sandwiches and two iced teas to room 315? And then whatever these two would like. Just bill my room for their food as well.�

Jondy and Zack quickly told the waiter their orders, and watched him as he left.

�Ok Zack, Logan and I have to get going, but I�ll see you in a couple of days.� Max stood up and looked at Jondy who was watching Logan as he stood up. �And you Jondy. We�ve got some serious catching up to do.�

�You know it! See you in a few Max.�

Max and Logan walked out of the restaurant towards the elevator, and Max leaned into Logan�s body. �You know, I think a certain sister of Zack�s was checking you out, and it wasn�t me because I couldn�t concentrate when you had your hand on my leg.�

Logan wrapped his arm around Max�s waist and pulled her closer to him. He kissed the top of her head, and smiled. �You know, I think a certain sister of Zack�s is jealous, and I know it�s not Jondy because she�s not here right now.�

Max pulled away from Logan so that she could look up into Logan�s eyes. When they made eye contact, she gave him a grin, and then leaned back into him as he pulled her close once more.


Jondy and Zack watched the happy couple leave the restaurant, and then turned to their drinks.

�So who exactly is this Logan?�

�Forget about it.�

�When he said he was a �good friend� of Max�s, does he mean....�

�I said forget it.�

Jondy watched Max and Logan until they got into the elevator, and then shook her head at Zack�s obvious jealousy of Logan.


�Honey! Dinner!� Wow, the last time I said that I definitely did not mean the term of endearment, but this time I do for sure. Max signed for the room service, and wheeled the cart into the room. This time I wouldn�t have minded the can of whipped cream or the champagne. Hmmm, maybe when we get back to Seattle I�ll see if I can find a can of whipped cream. Could be tough, but I think the ends will justify the means. �Logan!� Max left the cart and went to the bathroom door. She could hear the shower on, but she couldn�t figure out why Logan wasn�t answering. Max knocked on the door. �Logan?� Please don�t be anything wrong with him. �Ok Logan, I am entering this room in order to determine that you are safe and unharmed, so this can be construed by you in any way you wish.� Max slowly turned the handle of the door and walked into the bathroom. Her heart stopped when she saw the empty shower, with the water still on. She walked a little bit further into the bathroom, and let out a yelp when she was grabbed from behind.


When he and Max had gotten back to their room, Logan had decided to take a shower while waiting for their meals to arrive. After standing under the hot stream of water for awhile, his thoughts began to drift to Max, like they normally did. And once again, he began to worry about her. She was getting really worried about her siblings, especially since there was nothing she could really do to help them. I need a way to get her mind off of things for awhile. What can I do? Oh wait, did she just say dinner was here? Maybe not.


She is calling me. Oh, I�ve got a great idea to get her mind off of things. She�s going to kill me, but it�ll be fun. Logan stepped out of the shower, careful to keep the water running. He could hear Max knock on the door, and he hid behind it.


Why is she sounding worried?

�Ok Logan, I am entering this room in order to determine that you are safe and unharmed, so this can be construed by you in any way you wish.� 

I like the sound of that. Logan held his breath as the handle of the door began to slowly turn. Max walked in, and seemed to stop short when she saw the empty shower. Logan took this opportunity to grab Max and quickly pull her into the shower with him. He chuckled when he heard her yelp, and as soon as they were in the shower, he spun her around and pulled her close, ravaging her lips with his own. 

After a few moments and she was fully soaked, Max pulled away from Logan and hit him on the chest. �Don�t scare me like that!�

Logan feigned hurt. �What?�

�I thought something had happened to you. The last time that I was sharing a hotel room with a guy and he went to take a shower, I walked in to find him gone, and later it turned out to be a really bad day.�

Logan could see the pain flash across Max�s face. He caressed her face, and pushed aside the few curls that were sticking to her face. �I�m sorry. But do you forgive me now?�

Max looked up at Logan, and then looked him up and down, grinning widely the entire time. �I don�t know, this eerily reminds me of when you lost my favorite shirt in the water.� Max glanced down at her clothes that were soaked, and getting heavy.

Logan could see what Max was thinking. �Let me help you out of those clothes. You must be soaked.�

�Funny.� Max began to pout. �Now I�m going to have to wait to eat so that I can take a shower.�

Logan leaned down to nibble on Max�s neck as he undid the buttons on her jeans. �And would that be so bad?�

Max held Logan�s head to her neck, reveling in the sensations that his scruffy beard was creating along her body as Logan sucked her earlobe. �I guess not.�


As Logan was checking out and making sure that their room would be reserved for Zack and Jondy, Max crept back to the restaurant to see if the two of them were still there. She looked to the table where they had all been sitting a few hours ago, but they were gone. Must be looking around the city. 

�You ready?�

Max looked back to Logan. �Yeah, let�s go. But, can you turn on the air-conditioning in the car? It�s kind of warm to be wearing these turtlenecks.�

Logan smiled at Max, and then headed towards the elevators that would take them to the parking garage.


�Did you get anything?�

�Yes sir. It appears that there were three X5�s at the conference in Portland. Reports are that they are meeting in Seattle in a few days.�

�Very good soldier. Very good. You are dismissed.� This is just the opportunity I was looking for. I knew those conferences would eventually come in handy. It seems that Max and Zack are two of the X5�s there, because none of the others would check these conferences out. Lydecker leaned back in his chair, and crossed his hands behind his head. You�re all going to be mine once again. It�s just a matter of time.


Two Days Later:

�So this is the day you teach me to cook?� Max came up behind Logan as he was preparing some kind of heavenly meal for the two of them. It had been exceptionally warm the past few days, and with the fluctuations in power all over the city, there wasn�t anywhere that was air-conditioned, including Logan�s apartment. His place was cooler than Max�s because it was so spacious, but it was still stifling in there. Max didn�t mind though because since it was so hot, Logan had taken to wearing only shorts. No shirt, which gave her ample opportunities to rub her hands over his muscular chest.

Logan leaned back into Max. �That was the plan, but since it�s so hot, I don�t want to turn the oven on. Instead, I�m just going to make some sandwiches.� Logan didn�t mind the hot weather though, because it usually meant that Max would wear short shorts, and a bikini top, as she was wearing today. He spun around and wrapped his arms around her waist, drawing her close. He looked at her neck, and noticed that it still held a faint bruise from their activities a few days earlier in the hotel.

�Darn, and I was so looking forward to it too.�

�Hey, don�t get all sarcastic with me.�

�I�m not!�

�Mmmm hmmm. Anyways, I still have a job for you to do.�

�So then I can�t just lay around?�

�Not unless you don�t want chocolate covered melon balls.�

�Well why didn�t you say so? Where�s the stuff?�

Logan disentangled himself from Max, and pulled her beside him towards the bowl of chocolate sauce. �Here, you just have to stir this a bit, and then you can drizzle it on the melon.� As Max started to stir the sauce, Logan continued putting all the ingredients on their sandwiches. �You know, I�m getting tired of it being so hot outside.�

Max didn�t look up, and kept stirring. �Hey, don�t complain. Would you rather it be raining again?�

�No, but air-conditioning would be nice.�

�You know, this would be a good hack for Eyes....� Max stopped talking when she saw what she had done. When she started talking, she had stopped stirring the sauce so that she could look at Logan. She had raised her hand quickly to help make her point and when she did, the sauce that was on her spoon, flew off, and landed on Logan�s chest. �Whoops.�

�Max, that stuff isn�t cheap. We can�t waste it like that.�

Max put down her spoon without taking her eyes off Logan�s chest. �Who said it�s going to be wasted?� Max walked over to Logan, and leaned down to put her mouth on his stomach. She began to lick off the chocolately substance, much to Logan�s great approval. Max could feel a groan start deep in Logan�s chest, and looked up to see Logan with his eyes closed, and his face very flush with desire. Max smiled and reached over to the counter to grab the bowl of sauce. She dunked two fingers in it, and with the sauce that was now on her fingers, she drew down Logan�s body, leaving a chocolate trail. Tucking her hair behind her ears, Max began to once again lick down Logan�s body. As she licked down, she could feel Logan grab her head, and dig his hands through her hair. Max made it to the waistline of Logan�s shorts, kneeled down, and was just drawing her hands up to undo the zipper when somebody �ahemmed.� Max embarrassingly looked up to see Zack and Jondy standing in the entrance to the kitchen. Max cleared her throat. �Um Zack, why don�t you wait in the living room.� Max watched Zack and Jondy as they retreated into the living room.

�He certainly can pick the right moment to walk in, can�t he?�

Max wrapped her arms around Logan�s neck, and pulled him down so that his lips could meet hers. �Leave him alone. He is my brother after all.�

�Yeah, but I was enjoying myself.�

Max pulled away and looked down. �I can see that. Why don�t you go wash up, and I�ll finish making the sandwiches.� Logan gave Max a quick peck on the lips, and turned to go, but was pulled back by Max. �I'll save some of the icing for later.�

Logan grinned, and turned towards the bedroom.

Max watched Logan as he walked out, and then set in to finishing the sandwiches. On her way out to the living room, she stopped to grab a shirt. We do have company now, so it�s only polite.


�Wow Max, you�re man can cook.�

�Hey! I helped make those too you know.�

Jondy smiled at Max. �Yeah, I know, but I�m just saying.�

�He�s awesome at cooking. Maybe if it cools down enough, you�ll get to taste something that he actually cooked instead of just threw together. Zack, aren�t you going to eat anything?�

Jondy leaned towards Max, and not so quietly whispered. �He�s jealous of Logan, and doesn�t want anything to do with him. Including his food.�

The two girls smirked as Zack got up in a huff, and walked towards the window. Max picked up a sandwich off of the plate on the table, and put it on a plate for Zack. �Here Zack, Logan didn�t even touch this one.�

�Max, will you come here?�

Max turned towards Logan�s voice. �Excuse me Jondy.� Max got up while looking at Zack. �Make sure he eats something, ok?�


Max walked towards the bedroom, but then realized that Logan�s voice had come from his computer room. She steered herself towards the room, and plopped down in her favorite chair. �What's up?�

�Look at this. What does that look like to you?� Logan pointed to a video playing on his computer screen.

Max leaned in and absorbed the image playing in front of her. �It�s a bunch of military vehicles. Yeah, so?�

�So, that bunch of military vehicles is set up right outside your crib.�


Chapter 4

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