Title: A Stranger Of The Night
By:  Lenkid
Rating:  PG-13
Spoilers:  None
Jondy's in town, and she may not be the person that Max wants her to be
Disclaimer: I don�t own these characters, they are the sole property of James Cameron and FOX, and I�m just borrowing them, so don�t sue me. I don�t have any money anyways. ;)

 Chapter 7: Barging In


Logan watched from a distance as Max and Jondy went over what they were going to do. He had to chuckle though, as their conversation was quickly turning to gossip, as most talks between girls, sisters, tend to do.

�So, about that phone call that you made to Zack...�

Jondy looked up at Max. Her heart started to beat faster, and she quickly tried to calm it down so that Max wouldn�t notice her nervousness on this topic. �What phone call?�

Max looked deep into Jondy�s eyes. She could tell that Jondy was trying to hide this from her, but she had to know what was going on, and since there was no way in hell Zack would ever tell her, Jondy was Max�s best bet. �Your last phone call to Zack. I heard it Jondy, Logan has it on tape. What�s this plan you two have going on that obviously involves me in some way?�

Jondy looked away from Max�s gaze. She couldn�t bear to lie to her sister. To Max. But she didn�t really want to tell her the truth either. It was too hard to say. �It wasn�t my idea.�

Max tried to will Jondy to look at her, but no amount of staring at her would bring her eyes up from their gaze on the floor. �Jondy, just tell me. I won�t be angry, I promise.�

Jondy could feel tears begin to develop in her eyes, but she refused to let them fall. To make her appear weak. �Max, I�m sorry. I totally didn�t want to be a part of this, but Zack told me that you�d be out of danger if I did this.�

Max was quickly becoming confused as to what was going on. �What?�

Jondy glanced over to the far side of the cabin, and could see Logan trying to be inconspicuous about listening in on their conversation. She had to smile. That guy is so concerned about Max. It�s amazing. I can only hope that one day I meet someone who cares even half as much about me. Jondy noticed Max looking over at Logan as well, and could see the sheepish grins that crossed both of their faces when they locked eyes. Hoping to bring Max back into the conversation, Jondy began her story. �Ok Max, here�s my story, from top to bottom so to speak. Unlike you, I was given Zack�s contact number. I only ever talked to him in person a few times, but I methodically checked in with him on his voicemail. After a few years of running from city to city, I finally settled down in San Francisco. I loved it there. I do love it there. The city isn�t all that dirty, there�s always some slummy job somewhere to pick up, and best of all, whenever I just need to get away and think, the Golden Gate bridge is there waiting for me.�

Max�s attention was drawn away from Logan when Jondy had begun to speak, and she was now fully engrossed in what she had to say. �Yeah, I know what you mean about having someplace to think. Mine�s the Space Needle.�

Jondy looked up at Max and smiled at yet another one of their similarities. They both found solace in high places. �That�s funny. I was just thinking the other night about what a great place that would be to go, and how I would have to check it out one of these days.� Max smiled back at Jondy, and so she continued on with her story. �So anyways, I was living in San Francisco, and every time I talked to Zack, I begged him to let me know where you were.�

�And he refused to tell you, right?�

�Yeah, all he would say is that if I were to see you, somehow all of us X5�s would be discovered. I could never really figure out the logic in that.�

�At least you got to talk to him. When I finally found him a few months ago, he wouldn�t even tell me about the others; who was alive, and who was... no longer with us. At least you had something to go on.�

�But that wasn�t enough. I had to know where you were. Finally, something really had Zack upset awhile ago, and he let it slip that you were here in Seattle. I was fully prepared to come find you, but then he told me that something big had gone down. You had almost gotten caught by Lydecker and had fled to Canada. And, I believed him.�

�Well, why shouldn�t you? We were always taught to keep moving in enemy territory, and I would be putting myself at risk for staying in one place too long.�

�Yeah, that�s what I figured. So why did you stay then?� Jondy watched as Max looked forlornly at Logan. He was beginning to wheel himself into his bedroom. I guess it is kind of late. Even the rest of our siblings needed more sleep than Max and I, so I�m thinking Logan would need a lot more. It�s late anyways. We can talk about what we�re going to do about Lydecker tomorrow.

�A friend needed my help.�

�It was him, wasn�t it?�

Max looked back at Jondy. This conversation was quickly veering from where she wanted it to go, but she might as well tell Jondy what had happened. She was her sister, after all. �Yeah. I had gotten myself in some trouble with Lydecker, and Zack and I had fled the city to go to Canada. Only, we decided to stay here, at the cabin, for a night before moving on, and I just felt something was wrong, you know? So I called Logan, and when Bling, his personal trainer, answered the phone, I knew. Something was really wrong. He was in the hospital, because a couple of bullet fragments that were left in his spine after he was shot were migrating, and were causing him to bleed out. I got back to him just in time. He needed a transfusion, and I was there for him. I�ve stayed in Seattle ever since then, without even thinking of leaving. For any reason.�

�So that�s what Zack was talking about. He sort of told me about that day. That�s how I found this cabin.�

�Yeah.� Max looked away from Jondy. �So, now that you�ve gotten another part of my life out of me, continue your story.�

�Oh! Right! Ok, so anyways, I was happily living in San Francisco, fully free of Lydecker, because I looked so different from what I was supposed to look like. But somehow, he found out where I was living, and began moving in on me. He was getting too close for comfort, so I decided to leave for awhile. I didn�t know where to go, and so I figured I�d head towards Seattle. I knew that you probably weren�t here anymore, but I figured, what the hey? You never know, you could have been here. Well, I checked in with Zack, because I figured that he wouldn�t mind me being here since you were gone. Boy, was I wrong. He totally flipped when he found out where I had decided to go.�

�So, what made you two develop this plan then?�

�Oh, the plan. Right.� Jondy looked at the floor. I can�t believe I actually agreed to this plan, but I thought that I was doing what was best for Max. How could I know she actually loved the guy? �Well, ok. After I found out who you were, I called him because I was so excited about finding you. That�s when he made this plan. He told me that you had abandoned all of us to be with Logan, and that Zack had tried on numerous times to make you leave, but every time you refused.�

�Well, that part�s true, about me refusing to leave with him.�

�So anyways, he told me that if you stayed in Seattle any longer, you were going to be taken back to Manticore. I didn�t want that to happen to you Max, so I asked him if there was anything I could do. That�s when this plan came out. Zack told me that the only way to get you to leave Seattle was if there was no chance of you being with Logan, and he figured the best way for that to happen was if I moved in on him, got him to fall for me, and leave you alone. You would then leave Seattle, I could dump Logan, and move back to San Francisco.�

�So then that�s why you broke into his place?�

�Oh, no. That was purely coincidental. I needed some fast cash, and his place just happened to be the one that I hit. I had no idea who you were at that point. I didn�t even get the connection between you two until you knocked me unconscious there.�

�Sorry about that.�

Jondy laughed at Max. �It�s ok Max. I would�ve done the exact same thing if you had ever swung with my ride.� When Jondy saw another smile creep along Max�s face, she continued on. �So anyways, I continued on with Zack�s little plan, fully believing that I was doing what was best for you. Then I realized why you stayed in Seattle. You and Logan really like each other.� Jondy could see Max turn away slightly and start to blush. �Which is ok. I mean, I could only wish I can find a guy as great as him. But yeah, that�s what brings us to the phone call that you probably heard. I called Zack to update him on what was going down, I got frustrated at him, and hung up. But, that was the phone call that seems to have brought Lydecker right to me.� Jondy looked at Max and caught her staring at the closed door of Logan�s bedroom. Taking the hint, she stood up and stretched. �Well, this girl is going to get some sleep.�

Max looked up at Jondy. Why is she going to bed? She never sleeps. �Since when do you sleep?�

Jondy could only smile at Max�s ignorance of her situation. Jondy leaned in really close to Max, and whispered in her ear. �Since my sister wants to be alone.� Jondy pulled back away from Max and started walking towards the guest room. �Besides, with all that�s been going down lately, I�m a physical wreck!� Jondy threw Max a wink, and closed the door to her room behind her. Ok Max, I gave you the opportunity, so please use it. I feel bad enough that I walked in on you two earlier. I just better not be kept up by any noises tonight, because I do want to be ready for tomorrow. I have the feeling that the next few days are going to be rough.


Max was left sitting in shock on the couch. Jondy had just told her everything she didn�t want to hear. Zack really didn�t want her to be with Logan, and he had even tried to get her own sister to break up what she had with Logan. That was just too wrong to even think about. And then, what�s this with me wanting to be alone? What�s that supposed to mean? Max shifted her position on the couch so that she was laying down. I guess since the guest room is occupied, this is where I get to sleep tonight. Wait a minute. Is that what Jondy was hinting at me? She�d go to bed so that I could have some time with Logan? She wouldn�t do that, would she? Well, I�m open to the idea. I don�t really want to sleep on the couch, but if I go in to Logan�s room, that�ll be opening a whole new door to our relationship that we�ll never be able to close. What should I do? I want to go in there, but he�s probably asleep anyways. I don�t want to wake him up. Max rolled around on the couch a few times, trying to get comfortable, but nothing was working. You know what? Screw this. I don�t need to be stiff in the morning. I don�t care if I wake him up, because I think I deserve a bed to sleep on. Max got up and crept to Logan�s bedroom, slowly opening the door, making absolutely sure she didn�t make a sound.


Logan had listened to most of Max and Jondy�s conversation, occasionally stealing a glance here and there at Max. After awhile though, he could feel his eyes closing on their own account, and knowing full well that there was no way he could stay up with those two, he had retired to his room. He had puttered around for awhile, and finally hoisted himself onto his bed. He lay there listening to the soft murmur of the two girl�s voices, and could feel himself drifting off to sleep. After what only seemed like minutes, Logan woke up with a start. He couldn�t hear any voices anymore, and everything was quiet in the cabin. Wow, I�m impressed. Those two actually do sleep once in awhile. But, I guess they�re both preparing for tomorrow. I wonder where Max is sleeping? I�m sure Jondy commandeered the guest room. Logan sighed, and could feel himself drifting to sleep again. I�ll think about it in the morning. I�m too tired to think about anything right now. Sleep hit Logan quickly, but once again he was roused from his sleep. This time it was because he could hear the door to his room open. He opened his eyes to see the silhouette of his love enter the room. He watched her as she slowly came into the room, and turned around to quietly close the door. She turned around to look at him, and he knew that she could see his eyes open. �Max? What are you doing?�

�I�m sorry I woke you up. I can just go.� Max turned back towards the door, but the sound of Logan�s voice stopped her in her tracks.

�It�s ok. What did you want?�

�Well, the couch really isn�t all that comfortable, so I was wondering if...�

Logan couldn�t figure out what Max was having so much trouble saying, but then it hit him. �Max, why don�t you sleep here? It�s a lot softer than the couch.� Logan watched Max, but she didn�t move. �I don�t bite, well, unless you want me to.�

Max chuckled a bit, and turned towards the bed. It�s now or never. Max slowly closed the distance between her and the bed, and when she got there, she raised her one leg onto the bed, pulled the other one up as well, and crawled towards Logan. She didn�t go into his arms though, because no matter how right it seemed, they just weren�t at that point in their relationship yet. Instead, she laid right beside him, just out of his reach.

Logan fully understood why Max laid down where she did. He knew that it would take awhile for their relationship to evolve to where he wished it was right now. But he still had to try. �How are you doing Max?�

Max was laying with her back to Logan, and was actually trying to sleep, but she knew full well that that would never happen while Logan was so close to her. �I�m ok. You know, it�s just a run of the mill, average day for me.�

�Max, it�s ok you know. We�ll figure this out.�

Max rolled over so that she could look at Logan. �I know, I�m just worried for my siblings, you know? I mean, Lydecker could know where every single one of them was right now. I�m scared of what�ll happen.�

Logan held out his arms to Max, hoping that she would accept his comfort. He was elated when she did. �Everything�s going to be fine.�

Max didn�t know what prompted her to do it, but as soon as Logan held out his arms to her, she gladly slid into them. Just feeling them wrap around her body, she suddenly felt a great wave of calmness descend over her. Thank god for making me choose to come in here tonight. And with Logan�s words, Max felt that much more confident that everything actually would be fine. As Logan�s warmth enveloped her, Max slipped into a deep sleep, with Logan not that far behind her.


As always, Jondy didn�t sleep that much. She woke up with a start, which was usual for her, and quickly took in her surroundings. She listened carefully to any sounds in the cabin, but could hear none. I guess it�s safe to assume that I can leave my room without walking into anything I shouldn�t be. Jondy crawled out of her bed, and traipsed out of her room. She didn�t even bother to change out of her pajamas, and went straight for the kitchen, hoping to score some food before they started working on plans to help their siblings and stop Lydecker�s latest endeavor. Jondy padded through the cabin and just as she was about to enter the kitchen, she could hear Max and Logan giggling. My sister is giggling? When the heck did that happen? Jondy smiled to herself as she heard Max shushing Logan. �Can I come in? Or am I interrupting something again?� Jondy walked into the kitchen to see Logan sitting on the counter with his legs spread open, and Max standing in between his legs, holding a bowl of porridge.

�Of course not. Logan made some oatmeal. Do you want any?�

�Um, sure, why not?�

Max handed the bowl that was in her hands to Logan and was about to get a bowl for Jondy, when Jondy put up her hands.

�It�s ok! I can get it myself. You two seem to be having a fun time without me, so I�ll just eat it outside. It seems warm enough to do that.� Jondy quickly moved towards the pot on the stove that held the warm breakfast treat, scooped a few big spoonfuls into her bowl, and went towards the refrigerator to pile on the necessary ingredients to make the breakfast that much more enjoyable. After finishing that, Jondy stole a quick glance at the happy couple on the other side of the room, and headed towards the door. As soon as she walked outside, the cool mountain air hit her dead on, removing any shards of sleep that may have lingered in her mind. Jondy looked around for a place to sit, and as she was leaning over the railing of the deck, something caught her eye. She looked up at the overhang of the deck. The roof is as good a place as any. Gives me a place to think, too. Jondy took one step off the deck, and then calmly jumped the few feet it required her to get to the roof. Thank god for Manticore, is all I can say. It really comes in handy being revved up in situations like this. Jondy walked up towards the center of the roof and sat down. She dug into her oatmeal, and actively looked around as she ate. Jondy looked into her bowl after a few minutes, and saw that most of her meal was already gone. Wow, who knew someone could make something as bland as oatmeal this good. Max picked a good one I�m thinking. Whoa, what was that? Jondy looked up as she heard a slight rustle coming from the trees near the cabin. It�s nothing. Probably just some wild animal. I haven�t heard any cars, so it�s not military or any other person looking for a weekend getaway. As soon as she finished her thought, and relaxed a bit, something grabbed her from behind, covering her mouth so that she couldn�t yell. As quickly as it grabbed her though, it let go. Jondy turned around to look right into the eyes of Zack. �Zack? What are you doing here?�

�I heard the hack, and seeing as you just called me, I knew that we were all in danger.�

Jondy looked down. �Thanks for the friendly hello Zack. Way to make a girl feel even worse about what she did.�

�I can�t help it Jondy, you screwed up and you know it. Now we have to get out of this jam that we�re in. What are you doing here anyways?�

�Well, since all of our siblings are at risk, I thought I�d get away from it all and chill at this totally dope cabin that I found awhile ago.� Jondy inwardly smiled when she saw the look Zack was giving her. I love it when I get a good comeback in on him. He�s so funny when people are being sarcastic around him. �Relax Zack. Max was coming here, and since I figured Lydecker knew where to find me, I thought I�d tag along for the ride.�

�Max is here?�

�Well, yeah, it is her cabin.�

�It�s not hers.�

�Ok, I�m sorry, Logan�s cabin.�

Zack looked away from Jondy. �Where are those two anyways?�

Jondy resumed eating her meal. Just because Zack shows up, doesn�t mean I have to let a free meal go to waste. Without even looking up, Jondy answered. �They�re eating breakfast.� Oh, maybe I should warn him, I don�t want him walking in on anything like I have in the past two days. �Oh, Zack? You shouldn�t...� Jondy looked up from her bowl to see that Zack had already dropped down from the roof, and was on his way in. Can�t say I feel sorry for him.

Zack dropped off the roof, and climbed the stairs to the front door. He reached for the handle, and walked inside. He headed towards the kitchen and stopped dead in his tracks. He knew that something had to be up between Max and Logan since Jondy hadn�t even been able to break up the two, but this was too much. Logan was sitting on the counter with his legs spread open, holding onto Max, who was standing in between them. As Zack stood in the shadows to watch, Logan dipped a couple of his fingers into a bowl that he was holding, and held them out in front of him. Zack could see Max lock eyes with Logan, and grab Logan�s arm, pulling his fingers into her mouth. She started to suck off the goo that had been on them, and as she did, Logan�s face broke out into an ear to ear grin. Zack became instantly furious because Logan was obviously enjoying this little interaction immensely.

�Ha! Don�t worry, I caught them in worse positions than this!� Jondy happily strolled by Zack into the kitchen, to put her bowl into the sink. She had finished her breakfast, and was hoping to see Zack�s reaction to Max and Logan. After seeing the other shows that Max and Logan had put on for her, Jondy wasn�t even fazed by this latest one. This is too funny. This is going to be the best day ever! Jondy continued to smile as she washed out her bowl. When Jondy finished cleaning out the bowl, Jondy put it in the sink to dry, and turned to the couple while putting a hand on her hip. �You know, you two should really learn how to do all of this without an audience.�

Max turned to Jondy, keeping a hold on Logan�s arm and keeping a smile firmly on her face. �What do you mean? You�re not considered an audience the way you keep barging in here.�

Jondy raised an eyebrow, and pointed towards the door of the kitchen. �I may not be, but I think he would count as an audience member.�

Max�s gaze shifted to where Jondy was pointing, and she immediately dropped her grasp on Logan�s arm. �Zack! What are you doing here?�

Zack stepped out of the shadows finally making himself known. �Well, I heard your boyfriend�s latest hack, and I figured you might be useful in helping me relocate our siblings.�


The three X5�s were seated around the kitchen table. Logan was off taking a shower, allowing the trio to have some time together. Also, he felt kind of awkward after having Zack burst in on he and Max.

�Ok, so what are we going to do?� Max shifted in her chair a bit as Zack looked at her. I know I shouldn�t let this bother me, but I don�t like the way Zack keeps looking at me. It�s my life, and I can live it anyway I choose.

�Zack, can�t you just call everyone and tell them what�s up? Lydecker knows where they are anyways, so just call them and tell them to move and to contact you later on.�

�That�s all well and good Jondy, but then Lydecker will be able to find me. What do you say I should do about that?�

�Don�t get smug with me Zack. I�m just throwing out ideas here.�

�I�m sure Logan could rig up a phone that wouldn�t be traceable. Some kind of cell phone or something?� Max looked at Zack, but quickly had to look away. He gave her an even colder stare than he had all morning when she mentioned Logan again.

�Look, Zack, don�t get angry with Max here. We don�t have time for this! I think this makes sense. Logan can hook up some kind of secure line, and you can call the rest of our siblings, and just tell them to move. Tell them to call you in a few months or something like that, because by then, the three of us will hopefully have taken care of this little situation.� I love taking charge! Especially since I�m sitting with the best X5�s! I feel so important! Jondy bit back a smile, and instead stared down Zack.

�Fine. You two can figure all this out. I�m going for a walk.� Zack quickly stood up from the table, causing his chair to fly backwards, and walked out of the cabin.

�I think he�s jealous of Logan.� Jondy stared at the cabin door as it slammed shut behind Zack.

�You think?�

�Well, let�s show big brother what we can do, and start this really weak plan that we have so far!�

Max smiled at Jondy. �Aiight!�


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