Part 2: Seperate Ways

By: Thomasina (Daphy)

NOTE: All this is in Max's POV as she tells this tale. See story main page for disclaimer.

It all happened the day I left Logan, after I kissed him. That was my mistake. I don't know if I mean kissing him, or not doing it sooner, but whatever reason, it was a mistake and I know it. I felt my world come crashing down on me and I knew that nothing in my life would ever be the same again. All because of that damn kiss.

Now that I think about it, I can blame all the problems in my life on two things, Lydecker and that damn kiss. I knw I could no longer pretend to be a soilder because I felt something. No not something, I felt LOVE! Love, one emotion I thought I'd never feel because I was trained not to. All my training disappeared the moment that his lips touched mine.

And I was dumb eneough to walk away. If I was going to do something that stupid, I should have made sure I was never coming back to him, but I did. That's later in the story though. All I did then was turn my back and walk away, into the cabin with Zack. I watched him pull away and my only chance at happy disappeared with him.

Zack and I spent the night at the cabin. He made apass at me, but I ignored him. I know we weren't related, but to me, he would alaways be my big brother, and I couldn't do something like that. I couldn't love him like that. He took my disinterest as me simply missing Logan. And I did. I feel asleep that night, dreaming of what I'd left behind.

The next morning, Zack explained our tacticul startegy. We would travel through Canada since the wilderness was thicker. It would be easier for us hide in the undergrowth. Zack told me he had a few outposts already stashed and socked so they could rest once in awhile. Always the prepeaed little solider. And Logan had given me enough Triptophayne to last a few months.

We left soon after we awoke, barely speaken a word to each other for two days. That's when it happened. It was fever at first, then everything I saw contaning a Y chromosome looked to be fair game. I was in heat. And I was in trouble.

To make things worse, we had just entered a city, which no doubt would be full of men. Just what I needed. And on top of that, Zack seemed to be able to sense what was going on inside me. He was getting a little fiesty himself. He offered a few times to 'help'.

Instead I went into town to look for a bar. I had to get away from Zack. To be honest, the only person I would ever let help me, wasn't around anymore. I went to try and find a bar. Defently a dumb move. Of course it was packed with men all who wanted to score with the hottest thing they could find, and they all assumed that was me.

I managed to avoid most of them. Everytime they made a pass, I'd imagin Logan and some wonderful quality he had that none of these other men possed. It almost worked too, until I met Sam. He looked like Logan, even had the eyes, and I was screwed. He came on with sweet pick up lines, bought me a drink, yet seemed never to pressure me, but still tricked me. Before the night was over, he was leading back to his hotel room.

The next morning I found myslef on a cheap hotel room bed, the curtains drawn and me without anything on. Dear old Sam had left sometime before I'd woken up. Should had know, one of the view times I have to sleep, and the guy bails. I gathered my clothes and decided to meet back with Zack. I knew he'd be worried by now.

I got back to the meeting point and found Zack ready to go, without me. He said that he couldn't stay with me, it was too unsafe for us to stay together, but I knwe he was lying. He knew what had happened the previous night and that hurt him. He wantd it to be him, I wanted it to be Logan. Instead it was Sam, who ditched early in the morning. No love, just sex.

Zack turned his back on me and walked away from me. I sat down on a rock and tried to figure out my situation. I was alone again, travelign in Canada of all places, running from Lydecker with no EYES ONLY for back up, and on top of that I'd just slept with some loser who probably ran home to his wife and three kids this morning. Not to mention, my beloved bike was sitting in my old apartment probably being used as a clothes line by Kendra.

I knew my first job would be to get a knew ride. Logan had given me some cash, actually, a lot of cash so I knew I could afford a one. I gathered up my stuff and put it in my pack. I turned and headed back to the city, the opposite way that Zack had went. Try and start all over again. But amzingly enough, my past just wouldn't leave me alone. It just kept coming up and biting me in the ass.

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