Stuff About The Katgirl
This is the katgirl with a little look into the life of me
Info~ As you can see I like pics and moving things. I love Kats and have just adopted a little black kitten named Isis. I have a boyfriend named Tom, who I have been dating for over 1 1/2 years. For those of you wondering what i look like that haven't seen the friends page (except i now have Mahogany colored hair), I am pale with green eyes, 5"7, hair goes to waist. I work at Origins in the mall as a guide and its pretty nice there nice poeple good pay. I still live at home with my parents but hope to move out  sometime soon and live with my freinds. I drive a white '98 Pontiac Sunfire... yes white is a really boring color but hey i didn't pay for the car so...
Like this kitty
pictures comming soon
Ambitions~ I go to Mission College but will transfer to an Art School in San Francisco in spring '05 ( this is subject to change because art schools cost a shit load of money). I want to be a fashion designer in the future and own my own company. I already have most of the ideads for the  company but I cant tell you cuz it's a suprise. Besides owning my owning creating my own clothing line I also want to be a cat breeder, create a historical theme park, oh ya and win the lottery (some of these ambitions may never come to pass but hey I can dream can't I ?)
Beliefs~ Although i was Babtized Roman Catholic I never really fit in well or felt comfertable in churches. I went to a couple diefferent ones but just stopped going a long while ago. After learning some stuff, taking a Anthro class in Magic, Witchcraft & Religion, reading I am on my way to becomeing a Wiccan/Pagan. The final nudge came after reading this wonderful book by author Gerina Dunwich. She has a couple books on Wiccan/Pagan beliefs so check them out if your interested ( if you feel like criticizing me because you think this is wrong go ahead but think of this, I resect you and your beliefs along with others so i'm not the one being ethnocentric here)
Style~  As you can see i like the Emily Black kitties and have patches, shirts, 3 sweaters with kat ears, shoe laces, socks, buttons, a purse, a keychang, a necklance,  a wallet & a pair of hair clips with black kat ears atached. I have alot of different styles of clothing from punk pleated plaid skits to rock T's and fantasy clothes. I love when people arn't afraid to express them selves in unique ways. I perfer to wear mostly dark colors (which is why my clothe sare 90% black). I also love the color blue...this could be why in my room my walls and ceilling are 3 shades of blue, along with my blankets,curtains,  towels etc. I like old things, old style furniture, period piece films, old fashion. My favorites are the Renaissance and Victorian times.
Things I greatly dislike~ pink, flood jeans, 80's clothing, rap, coffee washed jeans, smoking, sea food, snakes, playing softball, watching people brush their teeth, spitting, the GAP (ewww the GAP) & people out act like they forgot the turning signal exists.
Faire~ Yes I do enjoy fantasy faires and have worked at the Northern Renaissance Pleasure Faire for 3 years but sadly this year I cant due to my new job but I will be visiting one select days. So. if you happen to like fantasy faire and will be there this season, look for the katgirl in Faire garb with black kat ears....that would be me. Lets see I tried to take the next step in the faire expierience and join the Italian Guild Santa Maria...but for reasons had to drop out this year. Next however I will have character and costume done and be ready for faire action.  So If your a fantasy faire lover and would like to join a wonderful guild click on the pic over there and check out Santa Maria ---------------------------------------------------->
The Renaissance Italian
Guild Santa Maria
This is the katgirl saying
"Remember to brake for our furry friends that prowl the streets"
Scotty Tom C
Friend links
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