A Protest March from Brescia to Rome, via Florence and Bologna.
A Political Intervention by Dario Fo and Franca Rame in the Form of
a Carnival-Funeral in Protest against Thirty Years of Terrorist Killings in Italy
and against the Involvement of Fascist Organisations
and the Complicity of State Institutions.

What follows is a simple account of the proceedings as I saw them. There are also links to photographs of the event. A more detailed account will follow at a later date.
Piazza Fontana. In a sense it all started here. The bomb placed by fascists in the Bank of Agriculture, 12 December 1969. Dario Fo wrote his Accidental Death of an Anarchist, to highlight police cover-ups of the true facts. Now, on the thirtieth anniversary of Piazza Fontana, a national protest has been organised, largely inspired by Dario Fo and Franca Rame.
It is organised in the name of the Committee for Truth and Remembrance. The intention is to take 500 wooden cut-out figures representing the victims of 30 years of fascist and state-sponsored violence in Italy. The figures will be carried in a kind of sombre but carnivalesque funeral procession from Brescia, scene of a fascist bombing in 1974, to Rome.
The demonstration begins with a simple ceremony of remembrance, attended by Dario Fo in the company of townspeople and representatives of partisan organisations, in Piazza della Loggia, Brescia. Then the procession, together with the cut-out figures, proceeds to the railway station, where it boards a protest train, specially hired for the occasion. The train takes us to Milan.
For the past month art students from various art academies in Italy have been working with Dario Fo and Franca Rame, to produce banners commemorating the victims of these 30 years of violence. Accompanied by a marching band playing the musics of the movement, we go from Milan Central Station to L'Umanitaria, where the banners are waiting to be carried in procession.
The banners are ranged up against the walls. One in particular catches the eye. Painted by the hand of Fo himself, it depicts the kidnap and rape of his wife, Franca Rame, at the hand of fascists in 1973. Recently evidence has emerged of high-level carabiniere involvement in the event.
The procession sets off, led by a band of samba drummers beating out rhythms that fill the streets of Milan city centre. The banners follow in due order: a banner commemorating the women victims of the stragi; a banner showing how the police destroyed a key piece of evidence in the Piazza Fontana bombing; a banner showing the death of Franceschi, Milan 1973. And many more besides.
In the square outside the La Scala opera house the procession joined forces with demonstrators representing the city of Milan and many other cities in northern and central Italy, and we marched, via Piazza del Duomo, to Piazza Fontana. There wreaths were laid outside the Bank of Agriculture, and fiercely denunciatory speeches were made from the platform. Dario Fo, with Franca Rame at his side, denounced the circumstances of the 1973 attack on her, and called for public inquiries to be opened into all instances of violence involving fascist and state complicity.
The following day, on the Monday, the protest train proceeded on its way southwards, where a similar demonstration was held in the streets of Rome.
I have more photographs, which I shall add to this document when I have the time.