my hellhole that i call school
ms hacket vice principal:scary evil midget!always behind me if i say sumthin bad bout her.shes tryin 2kill mr mckennedy so she can b principal muhahahahaha.....
ms kelly:shit music and maths teacher.giant red afro and loves the brigades cos there so nice and join the choir and have  super dooper school spirit!!!
ciara:not part of a brigade but have tried to get cheerleaders in our school....flirts with every male within 2m.
jenny:part of b*nth*m brigade.speaks with an american accent even though she is half japanese and irish....
sar*h b*ntham:the bane of my life.why u ask?well she has made have the school into followers of her.Males bow down at her feet and so do girls.Sings pop songs all day.Maybe u didnt hear me.ALL DAY!!!EVERY TIME SHE GETS A CHANCE SHES SINGING!!!!ALL THE TEACHERS LOVE HER.SHE CALLED ME A SATANIST FOR LIKING WAIT FOR IT....NIRVANA!WOW NIRVANA JUST HAVE SATANISM WRITEN ALL OVER THEM........AND IN  P.E SHE GOES AROUND DE CLASS HELPING PPL ADJUST TER BRA STRAPS.NO THANKS B*NTH*M IM GRAND ON DE OLE BRA STRAP FRONT........WHEW THAT WAS A GOOD RANT.(I had to change her name slighty because she would probably sue me!)
ms callahan:french,russian geography,english and every other subject ter is teacher.put long hair on this guy and uve got her.wers a giant locket which liz believes holds de key to our lost souls.
ms walsh art teacher...well she claims she is personally i think shes shit at art.she has permement pms and she is evil!!!!
mr smith the 'rocker teacher'thinks hes 'cool hip and with it'hmmmmm no.Fascinated with my music and flirts with all the teachers even though hes married.I have a strong feeling hes gay.he flirts way too much with mr murphy...for shame mr smith
school part deux
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