Thanksgiving in Paris


We spent the holidays in Paris and Amsterdam. Mom enjoyed the Louvre and we had dinner with Amy at Les Bookinistes.

Mom and Dar on the Artists' bridge from the Sorbonne to the Louvre. Photo by Jack

Three Coins in a Fountain: We three at the Louvre.  Photo by a good samaritan.

Notre Moms: click for the big picture.

Our hotel in Amsterdam, the Ambassade, included the houses front right along the canal.
photo by Jack

The view from our room. Photo by Jack
Our Holiday in Europe, Thanksgiving 1999

The art we saw included The Mona Lisa, Venus de Milo, and Michelangelo's Slave in the Louvre, and Rembrandt, Vermeer, and Van Gogh in the museums of Amsterdam. We feasted on French and Belgian food, including the cuisine of Lieve
in Amsterdam. And our rooms at Le Regent and Ambassade were a delight. 


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