Summer 2000

San Diego Starfish
(photo by Jack)

Our Inn near Woodstock, Vermont
(click it for the full photo)

Summer Itinerary
San Diego, San Antonio, Kennebunkport
Asheville, Savannah, Chattanooga
Amherst, Burlington, Vermont
N. Conway, N.H.
Woodstock, Vermont
Brattleboro, Vermont

lobsters in Maine

 Singing "Rock Lobster" with the B52s in Piedmont Park to celebrate Gay Pride Day, looking  from our balcony over San Diego Bay, taking in the Pacific at La Jolla, where we had seafood  overlooking the ocean at George's Cove, or strolling  the Riverwalk in San Antonio and eating  fresh avacado and steaks at Boudro's, we have had a delicious summer so far. Then there was  Kennebunkport, dining on Lobster Napoleon at the Colony Resort, watching the full moon rise  over the Atlantic.

We've  also hiked the Blue Ridge with Starr and Bruce, Pamela and Bob. We dined in
 Asheville with David and Tricia, and went twice to the Laughing Seed. There was a visit with  the Killians at Tybee. And for the 4th of July, we attended a party in honor of Paula Gately Tillman and Joe Roman from Baltimore. The weekend of July 21, Starr and Bruce cooked us a feast and we had a fine party on Lookout Mt joined by Pamela and Bob on the eve of our Civil Union.
Civil Union and Tennis in New England July-August 2000


On July 29, we were wed by Civil Union on a sunny morning in a garden gazebo in Essex Junction, Vermont. Cecile Tougas was our witness. From nearby Burlington, we traveled to New Hampshire for a week of tennis on the red clay courts of the New England Tennis Club. We rode the cog rail to the top of  Mt. Washington and hiked the White Mountains. We continued on to Woodstock, Vermont where we visited the Billings Farm, and ended our trip in colorful Brattleboro.


Roses and rings: click to enlarge
(photo by Cecile)

Darryl at the New England Tennis Club 
(click to enlarge) (photo by Jack)

Crossing Lake Champlain 
(photo by Cecile)

In all, Summer 2000 was just ducky.
Click for the big picture. (photo by Jack)

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