Here's where you can go...

Welcome to my first Home Page.  I'm very new at this so bare with me. I will probably be adding graphics and such as I go but I really don't want to crowd this space with stuff like that.

More than likely you've come here after seeing a link on IRC or maybe viewed my Web-Cam. If you're from the Web-Cam and want to talk to me, I'm not usually on that chat thing but I am on IRC and possibly under the nick of |[Dave]| or DaveIL. If you go to, look for me in the Springfield/Champaign room or the Indiana Room and say "hi". Otherwise, talk to me on Efnet in #gayillinois or #gayindiana.

You can also leave me a message thorugh my AIM Messenger though the link below...

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If you have any suggestions or comments, please feel free to E-Mail me. (I love getting E-mail) That link is at the bottom of this page.

Oh, one thing, some of the pages aren't completed so don't be offended if you go someplace and there's nothing there.

reddot.gif (5107 bytes)A Little About Me...

reddot.gif (5107 bytes)Personal Photos...

reddot.gif (5107 bytes)What I'm up to these days...

reddot.gif (5107 bytes)Some Favorite JPG's...  (Sorry, they're clothed)

reddot.gif (5107 bytes)Favorite Places to go on the Web...

reddot.gif (5107 bytes)Sign my Guest Book...

reddot.gif (5107 bytes)View my Guest Book...

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Any Comments? Any Questions? Any Chocolate?
E-mail me at [email protected].

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