The Rickety Tower...


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The approach to the Rickety Tower at Forest Glen near Georgetown IL.
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A close-up view of the tower... (Who in their right mind would attempt to scale such a scary thing???
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Ugh! The fools went up! It's not so bad once you get over the bees and the creaking sounds. Be sure footed on them steps too, Looks like someone fell through on one of the landings!
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This is the path from where the first photo was taken. We came from the path at the top.
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Ok, it's hard to see but there's a river down there and a rocky path to it. In the previous photo, that's the path that goes off the right side of it. And yes... We go down there!
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Another view from the Tower! That's the path down to the river at the bottom left. Is it just me or do the trees look more like it's Fall?

WB01339_.gif (896 bytes)On to the Mighty Vermilion!

WB01337_.gif (904 bytes)Go Back!

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