cOLOURING GOLD PIECES

It is not about  to add colors, but  to show up the natural coloration,
lost consequently of the alloy process.  

Eliminating of the superficial part of gold, by means of corrosive process, 
the other elements that constitute the alloy, 
its original pure gold aspect is restituted to him.  


saltpeter ....................   200 g
sodium chloride ........   100 g
water ..........................     30 g
hydrochlorate acid….     90 g

Both first elements are diluted in tenth of their weight of water, that is to say:    
if saltpeter plus the sodium chloride is 300g,
the amount of water will have to be 300/10 = 30 g.
and to this will be necessary to add next the 90 g. of hydrochlorate acid.