Powerup multimedia


Computer Devices

There are 4 types of devices:

1. Central processing unit

2. Input Devices

3. Output Devices

4. Storage Devices

Central Processing Unit (CPU)

The Central Processing Unit is the main Hardware component of a computer. It is the brain of the computer and controls all the orther devices that are connected to it. Devices that are connected to the CPU are referred to as peripheral devices. It is the category peripheral device that breaks down into Input, Output and Storage devices. The components of the CPU are the ALU (Arithmatic Logic Unit) and the CU (Control Unit) and Storage. The ALU makes logical, mathematical and decision and the CU directs all the operations. The storage component is the hard drive and it is where data is stored for the computer to access whenever it is need. The storage component of the computer is different from Stroage device in that storage component of the computer is not portable and is attachent to the CPU while Storage devices are portable and can easily be carried around.


Input Devices

Input devices are the set of peripheral devices that are send information to the computer allowing you to interact with the computer. The most common peripheral devices are mouse and keyboards. Though those are the most common input devices there are many other input device such as barcode reader, scanner and even a touch screen.


Output Devices

Contraty to a input devices, output devices deplay information that has been processed by the computer into human readable format. The most common output device is the computer monitor.

Storage Devices


There are two different types of storage devices:

  • Primary Storage D evices: Generally smaller in size, are designed to hold data temporarily and are internal to the computer. They have the fastest data access speed, and include RAM and cache memory.
  • Secondary Storage Devices: These usually have large storage capacity, and they store data permanently. They can be both internal and external to the computer, and they include the hard disk, compact disk drive and USB storage device.