Mount Russell (14,086 ft) in Winter.

Two photos of Mark on the summit. In the first the view is to the East and shows him signing the register.

In the second the view is to the West.

There was very little snow in the southern Sierras in early January 1999. We approached from Iceberg Lake and climbed one of the "South Face Right Side" routes. I keep reading the route descriptions and cannot determine exactly which route we were on. It was basically a long scree climb with a short 3rd (almost 4th) segment at the top (left side) of the scree to the ridge.

Iceberg Lake was frozen over. It has no outlet and apparently drains slowly through its moraine causing the lake level to gradually subside. All day and night we could hear the ice booming at regular intevals as it settled with the surface of the lake.

I asked Mark if he wanted to write a trip report (hopefully full of comic tales about my bumbling), but he hasn't.

Why are you reading this drivel? GO CLIMBING!

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