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Here's a list of links from around the net, with mentions of, or additional information on, Dana Hill.

If you have any to add, contact the webmaster at the address on the front page, using the "back" button below.

bullet The Dana Hill message board at One List. Fans can chat, post questions, etc. Join now!

bullet Production notes on "Cross Creek," with comments about Dana from director Martin Ritt, as well as one B&W photo.

bullet A biography for Dana at a "Duckman" fan site.

bullet Dana's name remembered on the Diabetes Quilt.

bullet An episode guide for "Magnum P.I." with info on Dana's episode.

bullet Another episode guide, this one for "The Fall Guy" with info on Dana's appearance.

bullet Yet another episode guide, this one for "Duckman" where Dana was a featured voice artist.

bullet The Cannes Film Festival official site, where Dana is acknowledged for "Shoot the Moon," and "Cross Creek." Both films were shown at Cannes.

bullet A detailed list of Dana's voice-over characters and related episodes.

bullet Dana's entry at the Internet Movie Database.

bullet Dana listed for her Best Actress win at the Youth In Film Award page.

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