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The Day of Light

AD&D Dark×SunÔ Adventure

Ó 2000 The Tyrian  

Download Adventure Cover by BROM/Tyrian 


DM’s Overview

It was the year of Friend’s Fury in the 164th King’s Age. Dregoth 3rd champion of Rajaat and current ruler of the city of Guistenal had almost achieved the same level of power as Borys of Ebe by becoming a fully-fledged Dragon. The remaining sorcerer monarchs from the other city-states became concerned that they would have another rampaging dragon on their hands and conceived a plan to combine forces and crush the Ravager of giants and the Dread King of Guistenal Dregoth. Led by the sorcerer queen of Raam Abalach-Re the sorcerer monarch’s teleported into the palace of Dregoth and with an awesome display of power killed Dregoth and many of his people and destroyed the once great city of Guistenal. The remaining population fled along with Dregoths High Templar Mon Adderath. Mon Adderath had been a friend and companion of Dregoth since before the Cleansing Wars had began and returned to the ruined city and found Dregoth’s body in the ruins of his palace. Without a thought he brought Dregoth back as an undead Dragon King.

In the centuries that passed Dregoth and his followers constructed a city under the ruins of Guistenal. Dregoth also during this time perfected a way to transform his population into Dray. Dregoth felt the need to create these people into beings in his own image he even attempted the process on his High Templar Mon Adderath but it failed due to the magic which makes Mon Adderath not suffer the effects of ageing. Dregoth discovered a Planar Gate in the halfling Blue Age ruins, which he later used to travel the outer planes for centuries. When he returned from the outer planes with aspirations of god-hood he sent his templars to the surface to gather information on the state of Athas. For two decades these templars brought information to him on the comings and goings of the Tyr region. When he found out that some of his fellow champions had been slain including Abalach-Re Dregoth was furious that he had not acted sooner and had not killed those who killed him first. In new Guistenal the templars of Dregoth preach the word of Dregoth the god and prophesizes of the coming of the Coruscation, The day of light when the blood of a thousand unbelievers runs in rivers at the feet of Dregoth. The time for the Coruscation has finally begun!

This adventure begins in year of Friend’s Fury (Free Year 32) in the 191st King’s Age. Dregoth plans to show the remaining sorcerer monarchs that he is back by taking vengeance on the city of Raam, the former city of the sorcerer queen Abalach-Re who orchestrated and took an active part in his demise two thousand years ago.

The PCs are asked by House Tomblador of Balic to travel from Altaruk to the city of Raam and deliver a wagonload of grain to the Merchant House M’ke. Once in Raam the PCs hear of a public rally held by followers of the sect of Dregoth the Saviour, which is taking place on the night of the PCs arrival.  During this rally the forces of Dregoth will assault the city with orders to kill everything and raise the city to the ground. Dregoth will make a personal appearance at the rally leeching the life force from his sect followers to draw power and will begin his own assault on the city and its inhabitants. The PCs will then have a choice stay and die or flee the city with whatever provisions they can muster. Hopefully the PCs can break through the numerous Dray and Undead patrols and make it to the nearest city and spread the news of the Ascension of Dregoth.

This adventure is the first of many which puts the PCs in direct confrontation with the forces of Dregoth. And this part is mainly concerned with putting the PCs in view of the worst battle to happen on Athas in the last three decades.

The face of Athas will never be the same again with the resurfacing of Dregoth and his forces. Life in other city-states will become even more unpleasant especially the city-states that still have rulers such as Urik, Gulg and Nibenay. The truth is that the rulers know how powerful Dregoth was in life and fear that in death he could be unstoppable. Many citizens will be forced into military service and merchants will be needed more than ever before.

The time of Dregoth is upon Athas…


This adventure is best suited for 4-6 players of medium to high level experience with a good balance of characters:

I have provided some pre-generated Characters for this adventure just click the link below:  

Click to download Characters

Goto to Part I

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