Across The Universe

Ah, the stylin' sounds of McCartney and Lennon... but this is not a Beatles shrine (and I do worship the Fab Four). No just some gear Digimon and non-Digimon related sites. You can also find banners to link to my site! I'm link free, so no need to email me for permission, just copy the link and choose your banner! Cheers! ^_^

Digimon Links

Destined Love

"Abikyoukan: Kazama Yuuto no Homepeeji". The original JAPANESE SEIYUU who breathed life into Ishida Yamato. He who inspired Yama's signature smirk. He's currently performing on a new shoujo anime "Dr. Rin ni Kiite Mite", has a motorcycle obsession, and is sporting a strawberry blonde 'do. SEKUSHII!!

Go here because Mari-san is a beautiful person.

It's back. It's in your face. It's all MIMATO, all the time. "Mimato Beach"- check out the new layout! There's nothing like falling in love at a rock concert....

....Brought to you by "Runaway Run"

Drop by Darkstar's for some really *EXOTIC* Digimon fiction.

Because I still believe in TAIORA! And just like my MIMATO pride, I'm not afraid to show it. And just a little message to all you SORATO fans- in particular to all traitors who were TAIORA/MIMATO 'shippers (YEAH! WE KNOW WHO YOU ARE)- there will always be more TAIORA, MIMATO, and TAITO supporters than YOU.

Evil Ishidas' Realm; Nobody's safe. Escpecially Sora.

This site rocks! Although I still miss "Anti-SORATO Madness", this lady still leads the rebellion against the (albeit lame) SORATO evil empire.

Non-Digimon Links

This site refuses to acknowledge ignorance! Support hentai and ecchi fanworks... like the original creators really give a crap!

Babelfish is a handy little translation service if you want to view a Japanese page in English. Mind you, it's a LITERAL translation. So you're going to have to make sense of it on your own- I'm still trying....

Along with Megchan's site, this is where you can find lyrics to almost every "Digimon" song ever written! Even the dubbed tunes *GACK!*, as well as your other fave anime serials.

Much props go out to Kris to provide the necessary tools to design my site! Go check it out, you might find something you like!

The DEFINITIVE seiyuu info/interview/pics pages on the net! Although Doi-san could include more male seiyuu *COUGHCOUGHKazamaYuutoCOUGHCOUGH*!

An excellent seiyuu database for basic profiles, B&W headshots, anime info. Updated regularly.

Where my insanity all began. My screen name is Lady Khayman, and don't forget to check out the support services!

If you are into the hotties from the Meiji Era, then please click here! You won't be disappointed!

I like to think I lead an alternative lifestyle... strictly concerning anime pairings. And RK's Yukishiro Enishi & Kamiya Kaoru are no exception!

Can't find that one particular anime site? And it's not listed at Anipike? NO PROBLEM! Hit up youranimesite!

Link To Me

An inspiration from one of my favourite KISS tunes.

Or if you prefer something a little older (to make up for the ep. 50 disaster)...

My first attempt at banner design... please be gentle.

I know, an SKU rip-off- SO SUE ME!


A new banner with a bonus! And if you want that little trick to appear just copy this code:

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