************** USA Updated When ***************

last updated: Tuesday, Sept. 18, 2001
(Best if viewed full screen.)

Pray for the victims and their families of the horrible tragedy that
took place in New York City at the Trade Center Towers and
in Washington D.C. at the Pentagon Building.

Repent and ask the Lord Jesus Christ into your heart,
for the time is fast approaching.

"And ye shall hear of wars & rumors of wars...
For nation shall rise against nation,
& kingdom against kingdom:" (Matthew 24:7)


The second coming is upon us!!!

Click Here for Information about Salvation!



If you are looking for my Dale Earnhardt Tribute Website,
I am sorry to inform you that it is experiencing major technical difficulties.
It appears that GEOCITIES lost some of the code of my main page,
which has practically disabled my site.
All my information is still there on the servers,
but several pieces of code are missing from my main page.
If you wish to atleast access what is there,
here is a link to the main page...
Dale Earnhardt - The Intimidator Remembered
I hope to have the site repaired and fully operational as soon as possible.
Please bare with me, for I do not have much time to
dedicate towards this project at the present.
Thank you,
Jason C.

Hosted by www.Geocities.ws