3D World2

You can download the explore program with a HyperXDB Stack (full color) that makes it possible to create worlds. It's still buggy, and the polygon sorting routine hasn't been added to the stack's renderer.

�� Help & Tips

� 3D World2 v0.31d Download (65K) (updated Mar. 4, 2004)

�� Standard tools

Arrow tool: to edit exsisting objects.
Point tool: to create points.
Line tool: to create lines (drag from point to point to create).
Poly button: to create polygons (select the points you want and click the poly button).

Help & Tips

If you have a problem with the explorer, send info and/or an E-Mail with an attachment (under 1MB) to my main E-Mail address.

� Tips

To drag points, or the camera, hold down the mouse button and drag the point(s) to the destination. To select more than one point, hold down the shift key while selecting them.
You can change a polygon's color by clicking on the colored rectangle on the object notes bar, or going to the menuitem "Set Polygon Color...". 1