A call for single standards

No more hysteria, no bull.  Not buying it one bit.

Obama, the affirmative action president—no skill, all ego

Howie Carr: I have seen the—, I was the one that—, I—, I, I, I, I, I; and he doesn’t seem to have a grasp on anything.  And the plantationers (think this way, do this or that, or else you’re an Uncle Tom) call you racist for saying anything, and have the corrupt media behind them to go after your credibility.

All of the flubs Pres. Obama makes, from “corpseman” to “tutonic shift” (as if tutonic is the same as tectonic) to they speak Austrian in Austria— he can’t even read cue cards; he needs TOTUS, TelePrompter Of The United States.  Unless you listen to talk radio, or seek to be informed on the web, you’re not going to know about the flub in England over the weekend, where the music played on roll cue over him.  With less common sense than Bush— but how dare you call him stupid...even though he meets that definition of never learning something.  “Unspeaken (sic) election edge.”  And the motorcade got stuck.

The ordinary man who’s regarded as an anticedent, with high likeability numbers.  Goebels: if you keep saying it long enough and loud enough, people will believe it.

Two words: corrupt media.  Three words: How Dare You!

One of the actual baiters, hate-mongers, Ed Schultz—he ripped into Laura Ingraham, someone with has a law degree: “what’s this right-wing slut?  She’s a talk slut.”  And Jon Stewart is stupid enough to believe that it’s okay or all the same on “the other side,” as if anything of the crap is defensible.  These people are stupid enough to believe that Lonesome Rhodes is real, that success can come by empty product placementJust imagine if Rachel Maddow were called a similar pejorative term.  Schultz was suspended...

While the media cover up the fact that the Democratic party led the charge in segregation, last night Ed Schultz pulled the race card for who think Obama’s going to Ireland for a mere 1/32 Irish heritage instead of going to the devastated areas in the South and mid-west where 122 are dead, and over a thousand are missing.  Racially tinged.

Most of the press will not challenge them where it counts

As sickening as it is for me to say, this admin., and the left can do virtually anything.  They are complicit with the scandals that go uncovered.  Now you have fabricated stories about Scott Brown peddled in the “mainstream media,” just to show, if you go against the “beautiful people” at all, even in fiction, you may be relentlessly attacked.  Fall into line, or else, thinking the smears are either balanced or don’t damage society (further)...and that’s if they think at all.  The expectations are zero now for the idiots on television as far as wanting to get the point to anything important.

At least the press in Britain reacted to the crappy visit.  One outlet there made a top-ten list of insults toward the ally.  They include:

  1. Siding with Argentina over Falklands.
  2. Siding with France, an ally worse than the Congo.
  3. Downgrading from special relationship.
  4. Betraying Britain to appease Moscow.
  5. Churchill bust (given to us on 9/11) sent back.
  6. U.S.-only DVDs sent as a gift.
  7. “There’s nothing special about Britain.”
  8. Boot on the throat of BP, as Bob Gibbs put it.
  9. Underminding influence in NATO, power to Paris.

Beware the conditioning

Soros has so much control of the media that so much goes ignored.  Ordinary “progressives” don’t listen much at all to the target on their own terms, and are conditioned to the point of having to be told what to think.  All of the stereotypes become either “fair game” or incredibly exploited for monetary gain.  The moral corruption is so rampant that if it wasn’t for the lack of recognition, the web pages you see here would be hacked, altered, removed.

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Never treat the content here as whole; take from original sources instead.
(Maybe instead of suing me, you could point out the error[s]?  I have not been sued.)